Chapter 20 - Night Changes

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Bumin Hospital, Seoul

Seulgi woke up in the middle of the night. The doctors are inside her room and her family too like they've been discussing something important. She thought she's just dreaming but no it is real and they are moving her to the operating room.

"Oppa?" She clutched on her brother's scrub suite.

"Hey, let's get going we need to get your surgery done," Kyungsoo explained.

"What?" She felt she heard him wrong.  "At this godly hour?"

"The organs just arrived," Kyungsoo answered. Seulgi's well aware that her family has been looking for some donors and once available the surgery should be done as soon as possible. She's aware that the donors' names won't be disclosed and are highly confidential. She still wanted to meet his family to personally thank them for allowing her to have her eyesight back. She exactly knows who to ask with. She'll do it once she is recovered.

The anesthesiologist evaluated Seulgi's condition and when everything is clear she then performed her task to make sure the patient won't be in pain. The surgeon and his team are all on standby mode,  ready as soon as the anesthesia kicks in. They keep monitoring Seulgi's heartbeat. They are all grateful that the organs got delivered successfully and personally by one of their colleagues. Dr. Oh Sehun called Kyungsoo that he is on the chopper and got the organs secured on the container. He told his friend that the eyes donor got a vehicular accident earlier and just passed away. This person had signed a waiver to make use of any of his working organs to anyone who needs it. While Sehun was on his way to the hospital Kyungsoo already huddled the surgery team and brief them that Sehun's may arrive anytime soon. They can't afford to waste any time. The operation team should perform corneal transplantations the sooner the better. Not only putting a new set of eyes but repairing the optic nerves to Seulgi so she won't get blind in the future. This would require maintenance but Kangs can take all the risks just to get it done. They have all the resources after all.

Kyungsoo and Sehun both waited from observing deck and the room is put on mute so they won't distract the operating team. Seulgi is wide awake as they performed the surgery. It would only take 30-60 minutes to wrap things up. But she still needs 6-12 weeks for full recovery and adjustment somehow.


 Wendy was out to jog when she came back home she read Lisa's message and her knees became weak.
Her parents got worried because she was not talking at all and burst into tears.

"Wendy, please tell us what's going on?" Her mom begged.

"She's gone, Mom. Lisa... Lisa is dead. I need to go back. Dad, please let me go back. Lisa needs me."

The Sons were shocked. They asked how did Lisa die when she's looking young and healthy. They suspected that it was an accident. Wendy told them everything she knew and finally convinced them. She has her purpose going back. Lisa asked her a favor.

The Manobans were informed and called Lisa's trusted friends in Japan. They knew Lisa doesn't want to bother Seulgi. She asked her family to keep everything hidden from Seulgi until her health is stable.

Mina has been crying all night which led Sana to arrange for their flight to Korea. She's broken-hearted too. They just met Lisa a few days ago and they didn't expect her to be gone this early. She fixed all the boxes that they needed to bring back to Korea.

Gana Hospital, Busan

Irene was sedated for hours and has not woken up. Her mom never leaves her side. She's crying because Lisa has gone too soon and the graduation day is a few days ahead. She felt bad about how little time Lisa had for her family because she's in Busan most of the time. She wished to meet the Manobans but they declined to meet anyone and wanted to mourn in private.

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