Chapter 21 - Truth Hurts

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Bumin Hospital, Seoul

Seulgi felt someone is sitting at the bedside. It has been 9 days after her successful surgery. The bandage has not been removed yet until now and she would love to take her time to recover.

She's sure Lisa's around and being playful again with her. To be honest she missed her annoying best friend. She thought Lisa no longer wants to spend time with her after the last visit. She did push her away. The way she treated her best who she considered as a younger brother too who makes her guilty day by day. She thought she needed to do something in return for Lisa's kindness.

"You came. I kinda missed your annoying face. I mean your presence hanging out in my hospital room." She corrected herself since she's unable to see anything for the time being. "Are you not busy with your graduation preparations?"

Oddly, Lisa isn't talking back to her. She just smelled a fresh orange scent around her. Maybe she peeled them for her to eat later.

"Now you're giving me that silent treatment, Monkey. I do promise to fix myself. I know I have been lacking as a friend to you. And always try to shut you out."  She explained.

Seulgi felt that Lisa kissed her on the forehead. "It's unusual for you to be this quiet, Monkey. What's up? Are you bit down or anything? Tell me about your chick. I promise not to ruin the moment." She chuckled. She wanted to build a connection and to start the conversation with Lisa but she got no response at all. She felt that the room has turned a bit chilly. "Hey, can you adjust the AC for me?" Her room started to become colder than usual. It's weird that she felt the wind blow on her face when the windows are tight close as Kyungsoo always wanted them to be.

"Hey Lis," She called out and tried to reach Lisa. "Monkey, are you still there?"

"Hey! This is not funny." Still no answer.

The door opened and Kyungsoo led Wendy inside the room. "Sis, you have a visitor."

"I know and this monkey is getting more annoying." Seulgi clicked her tongue.

Kyungsoo looked around to check if Lisa is hiding somewhere. He knew the kid loves to prank her not so little sister. He knew how close they are. "I haven't seen Lisa around, she usually bugs you once in a week and this is the first time she loses the streak." He wondered what is making  Lisa busy. Then he remembered she's a graduating college. He thinks Lisa would be there right away if she's aware that Seulgi's going to have an operation. "Didn't she know about your operation?" He asked his sister and the latter just shrugged. He realized Wendy was dead silent beside him and suddenly turned sad. He thought maybe she felt guilty that she wasn't there for Seulgi when she was needed the most. Kyungsoo has no idea what Wendy has been thinking but it is obvious that she's really sad about something.

"Are you not with her? Who's with you then?" Seulgi knew the familiar scent. But it's impossible, Lisa knew that perfume too. Only one person loves KILIAN's Good Girl Gone spray so much. But she does not want to keep her hopes high. She knows Wendy is no longer interested in anything that concerns her. They broke up a long time ago so she could be with her family and study abroad.

Kyungsoo cleared his throat, "Actually ahm, tsk. Well, Lisa is not with me. Someone else. I should get going and let you girls talk."

She heard her brother's footsteps away from them until the door shut close. She patiently waited for her guest to start the conversation. She's still uncertain who could that be if it's not Lisa. No one visits her aside from Lisa. And the heck why would her ex visit her? She didn't even show a little mercy when she got into an accident.

Wendy put the basket full of oranges on the table. She bought these for Seulgi before going to the hospital because it's her ex favorite aside from pineapples. The sounds coming from a pair of stilettos are the only thing Seulgi heard before someone carefully cupped her face "I'm so sorry. I should have not left you." Those were full of regrets and longing. But confusing for Seulgi.

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