"Did she purposely do that? Was she trying to kill me?!"

"I don't know, Amber."

Amber's heart was racing. She had almost died...

"Back to Hailey?" Eva softly suggested.

Amber swallowed down a lump in her throat and nodded. "Is she okay?"

Eva slowly nodded. "Yeah, she's fine. It's you she's worried about. You should call her back while Luna is still out."

Amber could feel her face lighten up. "Can I?! What time is it?" She asked, but didn't need an answer as she leaned around Eva to catch the time on the digital clock. "It's five o'clock and school is over!" Amber was eager now to speak with her. She wanted to give her proof she was alright, and she wanted to talk to her in general as well.

Eva laughed as she slid out of the bed. "Okay, I'll be right back."

Eva left the room and Amber was so excited she couldn't stand herself. Eva was probably the sweetest person she knew.

The girl returned back in less than a minute with the house phone in hand.

"So if you press redial, it'll call Hailey's cell since she was the last person to call. Do you want privacy?"

Amber took the phone from Eva. "Yeah, if you don't mind."

Eva smiled and nodded at her. "I'll be sure to come in if Luna arrives."

"Thanks so much," Amber said.

"It's my pleasure," she responded before leaving the room again and shutting the door behind her.

Amber took a breath before punching the key to redial Hailey's number. She held it up to her ear and prayed Hailey would answer as the phone began to ring.

Her prayers were answered, since after the second ringing, she heard Hailey's smooth voice through the speaker.


"Hailey...it's Amber," she said as her voice cracked.

"Amber?! Oh God, are you alright?!"

Amber chuckled into the phone and she felt herself blushing. "Yes. The real question is, are you?"

Hailey sighed. "I'm fine."

Amber then frowned as if Hailey could see her. "That's a lie."

"No, really. I mean...I am now that I know you are. Why would you run away?"

"I don't know. I had to take the risk, Hailey."

"Did you think Luna wasn't going to chase you? And where did you plan on going?" Hailey quizzed.

Amber felt like she was being accused, and she wasn't liking the way Hailey was addressing her. But she knew she hadn't planned anything out well, so she supposed she deserved some reprimanding.

"I didn't plan anything really. Are you mad at me?"

There was a long pause, and Amber was beginning to think that was Hailey's way of saying yes, when she at last spoke up.

"No, babe. You just had me real worried, that's all. Especially after you didn't show up Tuesday. Or the day after that..."

"I'm sorry, Hailey," Amber apologized as she held back tears. She hated hurting people, yet that seemed to be all she ever did.

"I want to kiss you right now," Hailey randomly confessed.

Amber felt her cheeks flush and she giggled. "I want to kiss you too."

"You need to promise me right now you'll kiss me right when you see me tomorrow. That is, if you're coming to school."

"I shall, Ms. Deprey. And I probably am. I haven't spoken to Luna yet, so I'm not-"

She was cut off when her door swung open to reveal Eva. "Luna's back!" She exclaimed.

"Dammit, I have to go," Amber quickly said into the phone. She felt like her and Hailey hadn't gotten much time at all to talk.

"Okay, okay. I love you, Amber."

"I love you, too," she told her before ending the call.

Eva darted over and took the phone from her in an outrageous rush. "Go to sleep," she whispered before running out of the room.

Amber stared at the closed door for a moment before laying her head against the pillow. She wondered if Luna planned on coming inside of her room, but she hoped she didn't. She did not want to see her, not now. The only person she wanted to see was Hailey.

She attempted to do as Eva had told her and closed her eyes. She popped them open once, though, to glance down at the ring Hailey had given her which still sat around her finger. She wondered if Luna had noticed it, but figured she hadn't since she didn't call her out for it.

She heard Luna's voice from somewhere nearby, but tried to ignore it as she forced her body to go to sleep. Eventually her body obeyed her and took her into a deep state of sleep.

Tormented Mistress ( Book One )Where stories live. Discover now