Chapter 6: Irresistible Charisma

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April 19, 2030 (Friday)

3:00 pm

*school bell*

The school bell! Ahhhh it's scaaaarryyy T_T

On Fridays, school ends at 3:00 pm instead of the standard 4:30 pm, this is why the soccer club almost always hosts a full 90 minute practice match on Fridays.



I'm really scaaaared waaaaah, I'm getting anxious about the soccer match today. I already told Mimiro this morning about watching the videos and that I would be playing today because my dad will be watching. And Mimiro told the club during lunch break. I also told my father this morning about Hoshie's request, and even he couldn't deny her.

I just wish that I could get a reason to not play to get rid of this anxiety...

"Hey Threo what are you spacing out for! Let's go!!" Mimiro said as he grabbed me by the shoulder and shook me. I don't wanna goooo T_T

"Yes, coming" I said, with a sigh of despair.

I packed the things up in my bag and stood up, I saw Aria and Sissy waiting at the door, with Aria glancing away the second that I look at her. And Sissy, well, you can't really tell where she's looking at.

"Where's Mimiro?" I asked as we walked in the hallway.

"He already went to the club" Sissy answered, while I heard a weak "tsk!" under Aria's breath.

I want to ask her why she's still mad at me, but when I asked yesterday she got even angrier.


When we reached the field, Sissy and Aria went to the seats while I went straight to the club, where we will be getting in our uniforms and discussing teams and strategies for today's practice game.

As I opened the club room's door, I saw a uniformed(for soccer) Mimiro leaning on the side wearing sunglasses, pulling off a cool pose, saying "You're late"

Eek. Cringe *shuts the door close*

But then Mimiro quickly opened it again, his shades almost fell off, "WAIT BUT WHY??"

"You can't wear sunglasses during a match, sigh" I entered the room, and everyone greeted me.

"Hey Threo! It's been a while, happy to see you man!"

"We miss your plays"

"Yeah, it feels like it's been a year already!"

And they went on like that, I just smiled at them.

"So, what brings you here?" the captain, also the ace of the soccer club asked me,

"I told you that this lunch, man, it's bec-" Mimiro was answering the captain's question, when my phone suddenly rang.

I picked up the phone from my pocket and it was dad calling, umm...


"Hey Threo, we're on the school's soccer field now, where are you guys? Hoshie's waiting, bye. *beep*"

*kneels down*


My heartbeat suddenly sped up and my legs and arms went shaky, I'm really really nervousssss

My vision then went dark because of someone throwing clothes on my face. I removed it and saw that it was my uniform for soccer from last year, I think it should still fit now.

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