Chapter 15: Distance Part 1

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When I awoke again, Hoshie's leg was over my stomach while she was still asleep, I had a sudden feeling of deja vu. She had a snot bubble with a faint glow, which I found a little funny. Since it was 7 am already I went ahead and shook her up, "Hoshie... wake up, it's already 7 AM..." she was somehow still sleepy, even though she slept more than me. "Ha... ah." her bubble popped, "gud mornenn Aria..."

We headed downstairs and I couldn't hold my laugh when I saw Threo's bedhead, "What's with that hair??" it looked like he slept in a dumpster if anything.

"I don't think I slept too well..." he yawned.

"So it's not that bad every morning?"

"Only when I fall asleep on the couch... I think."

Threo had woken up a little earlier than us to help prepare breakfast with his parents. Us and Threo's parents all sat down at the akasa wood table that felt like it was always meant for five, we ate sunny side up eggs with rice freshly cooked you could see the vapor. For a while none of us talked as we ate, but I could hear the sound of the utensils clanking against each other and the plates, the subtle chewing, and the noise from the two fans, one of which looked so worn down it could give up at any moment.

Like always, Mr.Oper asked the usual questions, "how's Threo at school?"

"He's a big idiot"

Mr.Oper laughed out loud, while Mrs.Clara looked at Threo concerned,

"B-but he's gonna graduate" I reassured Mrs.Clara.

Mr.Oper also asked about my dad, how he's been doing at home, how I have been doing recently, and more casual questions didn't require my mind to be in the conversation to answer.

"I... can do the dishes, you know" I told Threo as he was doing them. I want to add that I won't break a plate like last time, but I don't want to mention it if he's already forgotten about it!

"It's fine, you still have to tutor Hoshie after all"

"We don't have to start right after we ate..."

"I know, but you're still going to have to do that"

"Fine... if you say so."

"And you also broke a plate the last time..." he chuckled.

Ugh— He remembers!—

"I-it was just ONE plate! Have you never broken a plate in your life?!" I pointed at him, but he just laughed it off.

"You're right, even I've broken one," he said as he placed the last plate on the drying rack, "but I'm already done here. Come on, let's go upstairs."

"Hmp! Have it your way" before heading upstairs I glanced out the door left open, wondering if those flowers outside had always been there.

When we opened the door, Hoshie was sitting down at the small table startled, and quickly tried to hide the pudding she was eating. Based on how Threo's jaw dropped, it was likely his pudding, the last pudding. Hoshie kept looking back and forth between the two of us not knowing what to do.

"It's fine, we can start after you finish that" I chuckled.

When we started, I gave her short quizzes on multiple subjects and told her not to answer an item if she wasn't sure. Of course, I was still gonna scold her later for whichever questions she leaves blank. I saw Threo eyeing at one of the papers, "here, try it" I handed one out to him.


"I need to make sure you're also not slacking off with your studies." of course, I set the passing bar higher for him. And unsurprisingly he didn't pass, not even barely. I wonder how he even got to this graduating year with this level.

By the time we were done it was lunch time. Mr. Oper was the one that cooked, but to be frank, I prefer Mrs. Clara's cuisine a lot more. After we ate, Threo's parents both went out for a little bit, one of the fans that we used this morning actually gave out, and Mr. Oper wanted to have it fixed. Mrs. Clara tagged along as she ran out of yarn.

We went back upstairs, and started with studying and teaching. I won't get too into the details of the topics or the progress, they weren't anything special.

During break we watched the tv looking for whatever could catch our interest, we'd all laugh out loud at the comedy skits, it wasn't anything particularly funny, it was just a pair of water aliens and their little radioactive adventures... pfft— hahahaha.

And there were also the cookies Mrs.Clara had baked in the morning, they always taste good when I visit, even today, but something feels a little bit different this time, and I can't pinpoint what.

We had the windows opened to let the air in and out, even though sometimes it would blow the papers around the room, and each time I told Threo "Pick them up" in monotone. I took long sighs every time it happened, but we still didn't use the other fan left in the house. Threo tried to reach for the window but I told him "Don't. We're leaving it opened."

Because I like the wind today, after all. I hope for this kind of weather tomorrow as well.

Threo fell asleep, and I grew so bored that I started pinching Hoshie's cheeks, and she puffed to make me stop.

And just like that, Threo's parents came home and it was time for dinner. Mrs. Clara was the one who cooked this time, and yup, I like it so much better. Afterwards the tutoring resumed, but it didn't last very long, soon my dad will come pick me up. So I prepared some more test sheets and assignments for Hoshie to answer before I come back tomorrow in the afternoon.

It got late, and Hoshie waited with me outside, saying Threo will come too after brushing his teeth. The cicadas screamed louder than the sound of the rustling pine trees, the moon was still full, the stars shone bright, and the clouds glowed a blueish grey. I wondered if one of the stars was the one where Hoshie came from, and if it was still alive. But looking at her again I realized that she probably doesn't care, and that she considers here as her only home.

It might be too late to realize it now, but I think that it may have been too unrealistic to squeeze in years worth of education in just 15 days. If it was Lynx, he'd probably just invent a device to help Hoshie cheat during her exam.

But it can't be helped, there's nowhere else to go now but forward, and I know just the thing to make sure that she passes.

"Hoshie," I spoke, "do you want to know more about me?" I still had my eyes on the road as I asked, and I spotted the lights of a motorcycle coming, I think that's dad.

"Hm...? Yes" I heard her say.

The motorcycle stopped and it was really dad, so I got on on the back and Hoshie asked curious "but when?"

I put my hand up my mouth to cover my yawn, "I don't know yet, but it'll be soon."

And then dad drove away back home.

And my very normal day, was over.

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