Chapter 9: A Clouded Return

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"Dad? Where are you?" I asked, just a moment before I saw him in the kitchen, drinking alcohol.

"Oh, to be young..." he said as he stared at the ceiling while holding the glass.

"Dad what's gotten into you? I thought you were sick, you shouldn't drink alcohol!" I said as I put the glass and bottle away from him.

"That's water"

"Huh? Then why is it in an alcohol bottle?"

"We're poor" he said.

"No we're not!" otherwise we wouldn't have that bottle in the first place, it costs a hundred thousand yen!

"Anyway, are you okay? Shouldn't you be resting?"

"I'm not sick"

"What? Then why didn't you pick me up?!"

"Because I saw him..." he said, he then chugged the... water bottle, "I saw Threo biking on his way to school, so I followed him for a little, I saw him pick you up. And I saw the moment you graduated from being daddy's girl..."

"H-haAaA?? W-what are you talking about! I was just making sure I wouldn't f-fall off the bike!"

"You kids grow up way too fast..." he said laying his head on the table.


"I'm going to sleep..."

"W-what about dinner?"

"Oh right, you can't cook yet"



Threo's POV

"Oh, hey Mimiro!" I waved at him, we were both late to class.

"Hey! Did you do the assignment?" he asked.

"The what?" I asked, and he laughed at me saying he didn't do it too.

As we were walking on the way to our room we noticed that the hallways were pretty crowded with students despite the time, girls were in multiple groups talking and whispering to each other.

"Hey, did you hear?"

"He's back!"

"No way! OMG! I wonder if I'll be able to get his number this time!"
"I'll give up on him if I were you, he's too busy"

"Who are they talking about?" Mimiro asked me.

"Err, you're eavesdropping on girls gossips?"

"C'mon it's impossible not to hear them. So, got any idea?"

"I'm guessing he's over there" I pointed at our classroom, the one most crowded with girls.

"Everyone settle down! And all of you go back to your rooms!" said the teacher who had just arrived with us, and when the outsiders left a specific student's desk, that's when I met eye to eye with Lynx.

"Ah!" we both exclaimed as we pointed at each other.

"Threo! You're finally here!"

"Lynx! You're back?! You should've texted!"

"What about me" Mimiro pointed at himself.

"Oh... hi, Mimiro" Lynx said, and Mimiro sighed.

"Everyone, go to your seats, we're already minutes late" said our class president, Katherine.

Levan Lynx Devalgierro is one of my close friends from childhood, he's incredibly smart! So smart that despite being a student, he's already busy traveling the world because of the invitations he gets from various research facilities, he's a tech prodigy, a genius! That's why I was surprised when I saw him back to school out of nowhere. I wonder if he's brought some new tech again.

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