"Mr. Protagonist, listen to me. I appreciate your help. But it was wrong! If I fail my exam today, that is because I did not study last night. What you did can be considered cheating. And I hate it."

"...I just do not want you to be scolded by your father."

Rhianne leans her back on her seat and lets out a loud huff. If she tries to tell her teacher the truth, Keith's perfect score may become invalid and both of them will get a score of zero. This kid is really—!

"Fine. What's done is done. But please! Avoid doing it in the future. Okay?"

Keith obediently nods his head to show Rhianne that he understands. During lunchtime, Keith quietly follows Rhianne towards the cafeteria. Since they had already reconciled, it was natural for Keith to be with Rhianne's side all the time. Afraid that Rhianne might get mad at him again, Keith told Rhianne that he will pay for their lunch today. Rhianne did not see anything wrong with it so she only nods her head. Since their teacher dismissed them earlier than expected, only a few students were eating in the cafeteria.

Rhianne is craving something spicy and chooses spicy sauteed shrimps for lunch. To celebrate their reconciliation, Keith bought Rhianne a plate of sliced chocolate cake. Rhianne quickly understands what he is trying to do, but she did not refuse it. Instead, she happily accepts the sweet treat. It will be more delicious since Rhianne got her chocolate cake for free.

Rhianne and Keith choose a table near the window. Rhianne feels famished after looking at her lunch and readied herself to peel the shrimps. But before she can even touch it, Keith pulls the plate of shrimps in front of her and starts peeling it one by one. Rhianne can only quietly watch the male lead peeling the shrimps in front of her.

Keith is indeed the male lead. How can he still manage to look charming even though he is just peeling the shrimps? Without him wearing his contact lens and his new slicked-back hairstyle, Mr. Protagonist became more handsome than ever. No wonder all the girls in their class are having a crush on him.

After he finished peeling the shrimps, Keith pushes the plate back to Rhianne. He saw her staring at him with her elbow on the table and her hands supporting her cheeks. Keith can feel the intense gazes Rhianne is giving him.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Keith asked with a strange look.

"Hmm, it is nothing. I am just thinking about which woman can marry you in the future." Rhianne said. "I bet the future Mrs. Lancester is a very beautiful and amazing woman."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I am talking about your future, Mr. Protagonist! Tell me. Who do you think will be your future wife in the future?"

Though Rhianne already knew the answer to her question, she still pretends to be oblivious about it. Since the male lead and the female lead is not destined to meet with each other yet, Rhianne should not do any drastic moves to ruin their first meeting. Rhianne can still remember the sweet and cheesy lines the author used to describe the first meeting of Keith Lancester and Candice Dy in the book. Also, Rhianne would become suspicious in Keith's eyes if she reveals the identity of his female lead right now.

Rhianne ignores the strange look on Keith's face and continued on her ramblings.

"You see, my Mr. Protagonist is very special in every way. Mr. Protagonist is a charming man, his grades are good, and he is also a math genius." Suddenly, Rhianne pointed to the peeled shrimps on her plate. "Look! He even peels the shrimps for me. I am pretty sure that he will also do the same for the woman he will cherish in the future. All in all, my Mr. Protagonist is really the best in the whole world!"




What's with this sudden topic? Because he noticed that her food was still hot, Keith simply helps Rhianne to peel the shrimps because he is afraid that she will burn her fingers. Just because of it, Rhianne suddenly showered him a lot of compliments?

And what wife? She is seriously thinking about it now?

"What about you?" Keith asked. "Who do you think will be your future husband?"

"Let's see."

In her past life, Rhianne had never been in a love relationship. Not even once. She was too busy studying and doing her part-time jobs, so where can she find time to date? Her mind was always in her studies and money. The idea of dating someone never crossed her mind before.

But since she was given a second chance to live, Rhianne unconsciously takes his question seriously.

"Hmm... Someone with great patience, loyal, kind, and can pamper me so much. I want him to be supportive of me in my chosen career and very understanding. I also want him to be an honest man and he should be respectful to my family. And it would be a plus if he is very tall and handsome!"

Rhianne suddenly thought. Is her ideal husband really exist?

"That's all?"


"I am asking you if that is only your requirement for your ideal husband." Keith said. "Your requirements are all easy."

"Well, yes? I mean, as long as that man will pamper me and promise to love me for who am I, then everything is going to be fine."

"I see." Keith mutters before nodding his head. "Your qualifications are very easy to do."

"In the future, you should help me to find my ideal husband."

Now it was Keith's turn to stare at her with a confused look.

"Look. I am pretty sure that you will become successful in the future. Naturally, you will meet a lot of people. If you ever meet a man that meets my qualifications, you should introduce him to me. Okay?" Rhianne said as she tries to act cute in front of him by pouting her lips a little and slowly blinking her eyes.


"You are already cute. Stop doing it." Keith stated. "And don't worry. We will still spend more time together in the future."

"Hmm. Okay." Rhianne answered nonchalantly.

Deep inside, Rhianne doubts that Keith can do it. After all, he will surely spend his precious time managing his business and pampering his female lead.

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