They were back at Taylor's house, the old crew, minus Spencer, who was off doing God knows what. It was the first day of September. School for Tyler and Ryan had been in session for a week and a half. Labor Day right at the start of the year was a blessing, in their eyes. A break from getting back into the groove of things.

"I haven't seen your face in forever!" Brendon told Ryan upon seeing him again. This, of course, was a blatant lie. Brendon was just overdramatic and Ryan was just busy with school and learning the names of the new children he taught.

"I practically live on your couch, what are you talking about?" Ryan said, swatting Brendon away. He had stayed over once that week anyways, last Thursday. Brendon's condo was a few inconsequential minutes closer to Ryan's work, and getting to sleep in five minutes later on a Friday probably didn't mean much in the long run, but it was good for Ryan's overall demeanor. Beauty sleep was necessary. 

Ryan and Tyler glared at each other from across the room, unstoked embers burning in their eyes and scorching the tips of their tongues, waiting to be spoken. Ryan was the better one with insults, though. It probably helped that he had memorized passages of Shakespeare and literary insults to pull out at a moment's notice. The school year was accelerating into full swing, and with it, Ryan and Tyler's competitive natures. Their respective schools' rivalry was taken very seriously between all of them, and it was fun to see them bicker over their school pride. It was understood that it was all a joke, anyways.

The two teachers really did love their jobs, even though they complained about the school board having no clue what they were doing, and that the school district was the bane of their existence. And that the troublemaker students were being naughty again. Teacher gossip was always fun to listen to from an outsider's perspective.

"Ryan." Tyler said shortly, sticking his chin out and looking into Ryan's eyes.

"Tyler." Ryan replied, puffing himself up, unimpressed with his friend of a similar profession.

"Alrighty, everyone place your bets for who will win this year's scholarly championship." Taylor said, taking on the tone of a game show host or a sports commentator. Her voice was a lot louder than it normally was. Her timbre was usually sweet and a little bit husky while speaking. 

Every school year, since they'd met Tyler and Josh, they'd held a little competition to see which school would win the most games or set the most records or win the most scholarly challenges. Since Tyler and Ryan couldn't manage every team at school, all of the bets were made with Monopoly money. That reason, and the fact that everyone was either almost broke or just plain stingy. There was always a pool, and bets were placed. There were sides too.

Brendon silently wondered if Dallon and his friends would join in on the game this year. One part of him yearned for Dallon to do so, the other, more selfish, part wanted to keep his traditions to himself and his friends. He was split down the middle about trusting his new acquaintances; on the fence. Each time he talked to them, or saw them, he edged a little more towards the side of yes, to jump in, no regrets. Carpe diem. A moral quandary a day keeps the existential dread away, even though they almost always came hand in hand.

"My votes on Ryan." Brendon spoke up, smiling at his best friend and wrapping an arm around Ryan's shoulders, playfully jostling him back and forth.

Tyler rolled his eyes, expecting it. "Of course it is. You're biased."

"Biased he may be, but the question is whether or not he will be right." Taylor interjected, fully enjoying her role as the host of their annual game. 

"She's becoming a weird amalgamation of Spencer and Ryan and I'm not entirely sure if I like it." Jon said.

"Shush, you love me." Taylor replied, pressing her index finger to her lips.

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