Dallon was staring at a completely blank Word document on his office computer. The screen was all white, a strip of blue at the top. His eyes were unfocused, the white and gray and blue blurring into doubles of each other. He was fatigued, even with three and a half cups of coffee in his system and eight hours of sleep the night before. He hadn't wanted to get up that morning whatsoever. He had wanted to stay in the sanctuary of his warm cocoon of blankets. He'd lain there for an eternity, alarm blaring like a tornado siren, before Ryan knocked on his door, clearly concerned, asking if he was okay and if Dallon would turn off his alarm.

In response, Dallon had blearily and begrudgingly gone through the motions of his day, even with the superfluous amount of caffeine that was soaring through his body, doing nothing for his wakefulness. He had just made his fourth cup of over sugared coffee and he hadn't even had lunch yet.

He rubbed his eyes and put his head down miserably, misjudging the distance and smashing his head on his keyboard, resulting in an even worse migraine than he'd had previously and and incomprehensible bout of gobbledegook displayed on the otherwise empty Word file. He held down the backspace button, massaging his left temple with one hand, sighing while erasing what his forehead's stint in writing had created. At this point, he'd forgotten what he was even supposed to be doing, so long had he been staring off into space, mind completely blank.

He ran a hand through his hair dejectedly. Taking a deep breath, he poised his hands over the keyboard, willing some motivation to actually write this goddamn report to jumpstart his day. He was a very bored and dissatisifed account manager who really just wanted to go to bed. Busywork made him feel human, though. Average, like he'd always been. He'd always been introverted, but when he was an idealistic high school student who really didn't understand how the world worked, he had hated himself for not working hard enough, for not doing enough. He simultaneously didn't crave notoriety but wanted to be a better person, and he could never get himself to pass his own high standards.

Maybe that was why he hadn't been in a relationship in a few years. He was a person who strived to find 'The One'. That one person that would always... get him, with no barriers. The only person that came close was Ryan; they were each other's platonic soulmates. Dallon had never really had any desire to be in a relationship with Ryan, and neither had he. And that was that for them. Dallon, when he was a lot younger, less cynical, and much more naive, had dated around, trying to find someone who he did love. Granted, he'd always been cynical, however, now he was more so. Eventually, life, self loathing, and his own high standards got in the way of that and he was alone for what he thought might be forever. Might as well give up hope when you know you're not going to live forever. When you know that 'The One' doesn't exist and it's silly to believe that they're out there.

Pete knocked on the wall of his cubicle office, smiling without a care in the world. He was in a good mood. There wasn't any concrete reason behind it, he just felt on top of the world that morning. Of course, taking a leaf out of Dallon's book and having a bunch of sugar in his coffee might have had something to do with it, but that was beside the point. Dallon didn't react to the sound, so Pete walked in and waved his hand in front of his friend's face.

Dallon jumped visibly, pressing a hand to his chest. He'd squeaked a bit in surprise. When Dallon was lost in his thoughts, or wasn't paying attention, sound didn't usually do the trick of rousing him from his stupor.

"Jesus fucking- you scared me!" Dallon exclaimed, considerably more awake than he had been a few moments ago. Thanks, Pete, but that was not a preferable way to wake up, he thought.

"Sorry not sorry." Pete shrugged. 'You looked dead. Literal walking dead. Well, not like zombie walking dead, but like walking dead, if you know what I mean. Anyways, is it necrophilia or beastiality to fuck a zombie?"

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