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Hey this first chapter will be interesting I hope people read it
Rayn POV
I was waking up to the sound of my alarm going off. It is currently 7:15am "ugh" I groan getting up to look for an outfit and then take a shower. When I get out I throw on a white tank top with some ripped jeans and some white air max 90's.
I throw on a jean jacket and grab my bag, I reach downstairs and walk into the kitchen seeing my uncle lean against the counter with a newspaper in his hands.

"Good morning uncle Robert." I say standing up on my top toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Hey rayn. How is your morning going." His deep voice says looking at the outfit I'm wearing.
"It's been fine, I just can't wait to get done with school so I can go to my job and come back home."
"Hmm." He says still eyeing the wholes near my knees on my pants. Just then my aunt came in with a disgusted look on her face.
"Hey rayn chillld." Her words slurred a little when she said that.

"Hey aunt Taylor." I said as I grabbed a box of fruit loops and a bowl. Aunt Taylor was my uncles wife. I never understood why he loved her so much. She was a drunkard who stole his money constantly spending it on gambling. To be honest she hated me and I hated her too. She always told me "if it wasn't for my bitch of a mother" she could've gotten with my dad. I always ignored it, whether or not she liked my father she never deserved him.

"You got a probblem littlle girll?" Once again her words slurred

"No ma'am." I said and resumed making my bowl of cereal. Once my bowl was made I went into the dining room and sat down.
I overheard my aunt talking to uncle Robert.
"You know Robert I'm starting to feel like you don't love meee any-anymorre!" My aunt said
"Taylor calm down, I can't keep doing this. You need help serious help, you can't keep gambling and getting yourself drunk when you lose." My uncle said in the calmest voice ever, which was kind of creepy.
"NO! I'm perrfectly fine! I Donn't need yourr p-p-pityy" Oh lord it's seems like the more she talks the less English she speaks.

I get up from the table and head back to the kitchen to put my bowl in the sink.

"Bye uncle Robert have a good day!" I yell grabbing my keys and leaving the house.
I get in my car and begin to drive to school.
Once I park my car I go to the back entrance of the school. I only go there because it's secluded. I knock on the door 3 times and Mr.Shepard opens it up for me. He is the only teacher I communicate with since he was my uncles friend.

"Good morning rayn!" He says with a bright smile.
"Good morning Mr.Shepard." I said smiling back at him. To be honest Mr.Shepard was fine as hell. I would hit on him but I have to remember that he's my uncles friend.
" Look at what I got here." Mr. Shepard says holding up a white bag I knew all to well.
"Yessss." I said grabbing the bag and stuffing a donut I'm my face.
"Thank you!" I say with a muffled voice. He smiles and pinches my cheeks.Then placing a hand on my shoulder and guides me to his classroom.
It was my last class of the day the bell had just rung and I packed up my belongings. As soon as I tried to exit the classroom a large hand pulled me back.
I immediately knew who it was. "Quinton"
Quinton bullied me all throughout middle school. Because of the acne and glasses, not to mention braces also. He was such a jerk and didn't hesitate to push me around anytime he'd get to. In the eyes of other people he was a wonderful student,football captain, had a deep voice,and had an attractive face along with a tall body with muscles that looked like they would rip his shirt.
While other girls would drool on him and his dick, I just went my own way.
"Hey midget you thought you could leave without telling master goodbye?" I just looked down at my shoes thinking of something to say. He aggressively yanked my chin up to look at him. He was squeezing my jaw so tight I thought it would leave a mark.
"Answer me you swine!" I didn't hesitate to answer because I knew it would result in him beating me up.
"N-no sir." I said Shaking my head
"Good. I have a gift for you so come with me." He said leaving the room along with the other boys that he called friends.

I followed him out of the school and when he stopped in front a van I immediately turned back. Only to be yanked into someone's chest. I would 𝑁𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑅 go down without a fight.
I began to punch and kick in every direction I could. But soon felt a sharp pain in my neck. Only to see that I got injected with a white liquid.
The voices of the men talking began to muffle as my eyes when getting droopy. One last voice I recognized was Quintons. I hadn't heard everything he said but most of it.
" I knew she was going to be tough. But she can't compete with me since she is so little. Put her in the van..."
That was the last thing I heard before blacking out.
I was not expecting this chapter to be short but oh well the next one will be longer hopefully.

Stalker 𝐻𝑒'𝑠 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 16+ (Back from hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now