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The final exams proved a good distraction for Type from his seemingly perpetual headache of a situation with Tharn. He missed him terribly, but Tharn had given him a solid reason as to why they couldn't meet for the past few weeks due to the looming finals; that were now over; so he was back to square one. He had been relieved and depressed in equal measure at not seeing Tharn for so long. Relieved because his heart physically hurt every time he saw his face, the glaring reality of Tharn never loving him back slapping him continuously in the face. Depressed because, even through that, he wanted to see Tharn and be in his presence. He felt like he was going crazy because of not seeing him for so long. 

He grabbed his phone and contemplated shooting Tharn a text and seeing if he would possibly agree to meet him before Type had to go home for the semester break. Before he could even open the messaging app, his phone pinged with an oncoming message. His heart leapt out of his chest when he saw the very name that was constantly on his mind lighting up his screen. 

'You want to go bowling tomorrow?

Like old times?'


It's been so long.

Maybe I'll beat you this time.'

Type felt absolutely giddy at Tharn's words. He couldn't have responded faster.

'Such naïve dreams.'


Maybe Dinh will beat you. That's going to be cathartic enough for me to witness.'

'Dinh is not invited. 

We haven't hung out just the two of us in ages. 

Plus, I don't want Dinh to see how you lay face down on the bench when you lose. I'd be embarrassed for you.'

That made Type do a double take but he couldn't help the spark of absolute joy that ignited in his heart at the prospect of having Tharn all to himself for a whole day.

'Fucking bitch!

Prepare yourself.

Tomorrow, I will end your streak once and for all.'

'I'm shaking in my boots.'


'2 PM good for you?'


'Okay. See you then.


'Fuck you!'

'You wish'

As Type stared at that message, he did wish. He locked his phone and put it in his pocket before he had any other inappropriate thoughts leak into his mind from the enticing words that had lit up his phone screen. 

He couldn't help but grin about seeing Tharn after so long. And that too by himself. He felt like he had a hanger in his mouth because of how huge the smile that he was sporting got. He'd have Tharn all to himself for a whole day. The thought immediately conjured up the image of Kemp in his mind as his smile faltered a little and he felt a pit of guilt in his stomach. He wondered if it was a good idea to see Tharn on his own without Kemp there. He didn't want it to be a problem so he quickly took his phone out of his pocket and dialled Kemp's number. He tapped his foot expectantly as he thought about how to broach the topic. He felt as guilty as he did happy. Sue him. He missed Tharn and he was sure he wouldn't make it through the semester break if he didn't see Tharn before he left.

Dive: A TharnType StoryWhere stories live. Discover now