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"Did she text you?" Type asked as they walked to the bowling alley the following Saturday. Tharn smirked to himself and looked up at him. "Yeah."

"The fuck! I was hoping she was pranking you. Made me feel better about myself," Type said, taking a frustrated breath. Tharn, seeing how annoyed he looked, started to chuckle. "It's only a matter of time before you start dating someone too," he said and Type turned to him in surprise at the sudden development. "You guys are dating?!" He asked, in an octave short of a scream.

Tharn nodded sheepishly and Type couldn't believe how fast Tharn had found himself a girlfriend. The kicker was that it happened right in front of him. That new piece of information about them dating felt like pouring salt on his wounds. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous because not only had Tharn found himself a girlfriend, but she was also very beautiful. "You bastard! So when did you ask her out? Where is she from? What's her name? Does she have hot frien…"

"Type, can you slow down? Is this an interrogation?" Tharn said, feeling a little flustered at Type's barrage of questions. Type felt a surge of embarrassment, realising how frantic and desperate he probably sounded. "So when did you ask her out?" He asked, more calmly.

Tharn looked at the ground and smiled. "She asked me," he said looking back up at Type. Type was even more taken aback by that piece of news. "What the fuck? She not only approached you first, but she also asked you out?" He half-screamed at Tharn, the previous calmness immediately forgotten. Tharn grinned and nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment. 

"Of course she did. God…. If I had your face, I would be swimming in girls too," Type said as he walked to the counter shaking his head slightly, still in disbelief, to buy them two rounds. Tharn shook his own head at his friend's words. He couldn't believe that Type was once again putting himself down and didn't see how good looking he was. He wondered what he could do to change that fact. Did he have to start complimenting him? His mind started wandering, trying to come up with the perfect thing to say to him, without it coming off too weird. 

'You're really beautiful.' No. That sounded like he was trying to flirt with him.

'Your face is pleasing to the eyes.' No. Too vague.

'You look angelic.' No. Too…. gay?

"What's her name?" Type asked as they walked to change into the bowling shoes, immediately pulling Tharn out of the mental gymnastics he was doing to find a way to compliment his friend. "Pina," Tharn muttered, deciding to put his plan on the backburner for the moment because he really couldn't think up a good way to start working compliments into their conversations without it seeming absolutely out of place. Especially the ones that he had just come up with.

"Is she from our college?"

"No, she's a senior at King's International."

"What the fuck! She's older too?" Type asked, staring at Tharn in shock. He couldn't believe  Tharn's luck ran that far.

"Yeah," Tharn said smiling, not believing his luck too. "So where did you guys go on your first date?" Type asked. 

"We haven't been on our first date yet. We're going for dinner tomorrow. I guess that's our first date," Tharn said lacing up his shoes. "Then why are you here?" Type asked, surprised. Tharn turned to look at him, extremely confused by what he could possibly mean by that. "What?"

"Shouldn't you be, like, preparing or something?" Type asked incredulously. "I'm not running a marathon. It's just a date," Tharn said laughing at his friend's weird ideas on dating. He wondered if Type had ever been on a date. He realised that Type had probably been on many, solely based on his face. He figured that, even if Type couldn't see his own beauty, the people around him could.

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