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"Do you want to watch a movie this weekend?" Kemp asked as the bell rang to signal their break time. Type looked at him and considered it for a second. Tharn was going to go out with Pina, he presumed, and he would only be third-wheeling. He figured he could let Tharn spend one weekend with his girlfriend but, before he could answer, his phone dinged.

'You want to come over to watch a movie at my place on Saturday?'

'Why? Don't you have a date with Pina?'

'No, she's going home to Phuket for the weekend. I'm going to be all alone and wallowing in sadness. 

Since you're single and lonely as well, I guess you won't mind being sad and lonely with me.'



But not because I want to. 

I just don't have plans. 

Don't be surprised if I ditch you if something comes up though.'

'You have hung out with me every weekend since we met. I think I can be quite certain that you have nothing else going on for you at this point.'

'Fuck you!'

'Hahahaha! I'll send you my address. Come over by 12?'


'Are you going to ditch me?'

'Not yet. But I might.'

'Why? I'm such a delight to be around.'

'Can you stop sucking your own dick for one second?'

'I have no other option. 

At least for this weekend.'

'Wow! Now you're just rubbing it in my face, aren't you? 

Do you want me to be happy that you're getting some?'

'Duh! What are friends for? Friends should be happy if their friend is getting some.

Multiple times a week.'

'You fucking bastard!

Just you wait and see. 

I'm going to find a girl 10 times hotter and constantly be on her. We'll talk then.'

'Don't you mean 'in' her?

She's not a bench at the bowling alley.'

'Fuck you, man!

I'm 100% going to make sure I find plans so I don't have to hang out with you.'

'Okay. Good luck with that. See you Saturday!'


"So? What do you say?" Kemp asked again when he saw Type finally putting his phone down. Type suddenly remembered that Kemp had asked him to hang out on the weekend, giving him the best opportunity to ditch Tharn for being a dickhead to him. But he also really wanted to see where Tharn lived.

"I have plans. Sorry, man," Type said, getting up to head to the cafeteria. Kemp followed after him with a frustrated smile on his face. "You're always busy on the weekends. Are you seeing someone?" Kemp asked. Type turned around and scoffed. "Yeah, it feels like I am," he said. Kemp was intrigued by that. "Wait, really? How come you didn't tell me you've started seeing someone?" He asked, a little surprised. Type turned to look at him and chuckled at Kemp taking him seriously. 

Dive: A TharnType StoryWhere stories live. Discover now