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Tharn was rinsing the glass he had just drank water from when he suddenly heard furious knocking coming from his front door. He turned to look at the wall clock in the living room to see it was 8 PM. It was a Wednesday, so he wasn't expecting anyone to show up. Unless it was Pina deciding to come back, in case she managed to finish her group assignment early. But she had a key, so he was confused even further. He figured that she might have forgotten to take it.

He walked to the door and cracked it open to be faced by Type, looking furious, who proceeded to push past him and walk to the living room. Tharn followed him with his eyes as he stood rooted in place. Type walked ahead and flopped down angrily on the couch. 

Tharn was extremely shocked at this surprise visit because Type always texted him before he came over. Also, he never saw him on a weekday, so he was twice as confused at his sudden, angry presence on his couch.

He walked up to the couch and looked at him warily. "Type, what's wrong?" He asked, furrowing his brows in concern and a bit of fear. Type looked up at him and Tharn could see fire in his eyes. This was the most angry he had ever seen Type and it worried him. 

"Nicolette is being impossible," Type said in a huff. Tharn immediately felt a sudden discomfort creeping into his system at the possibility of his friend getting into another fight with his girlfriend. He walked up to the couch and sat down next to him. "What happened?" Tharn asked softly, bringing a hand up to Type's shoulder. 

Type turned his head to look at his hand and then back up at Tharn. He felt his anger ebbing at the worried look on his friend's face, which suddenly made him remember why he was angry in the first place, reigniting his fury. He shook his head and brought a hand to his forehead. 

"She wants me to distance myself from you," he said, turning to look at Tharn. Tharn, hearing that tidbit, felt his breath hitch. His mind started running a mile a minute, trying to figure out what he did wrong, but couldn't conclude why Nicolette would say that. He thought they got along well. He wondered what he had done for her to ask of such a thing. He felt knives twisting in his chest at the possibility of losing Type again. He needed to fix whatever he did wrong to prevent that from happening. After he tried to think about what he intentionally or inadvertently may have done to Nicolette for her to dislike him to such an extent, he came up empty. They hadn't even interacted enough for her to dislike him so fast. "Why?" Tharn asked, his voice breaking because of the intense feeling of impending loss that was gnawing away at the back of his mind.

Type felt his stomach twist uncomfortably at the tone of Tharn's voice. He suddenly felt like maybe he made a mistake by coming here. He didn't want to see that look of hurt on his friend's face. He hated to see Tharn like that. He tried to think about how to phrase the next sentence but, seeing Tharn searching his eyes for an answer, couldn't help but be honest with him. 

"She thinks we're too close. She said she feels uncomfortable to see me hang out with you," he said, the hurt and anger those words had caused him still coursing through his body. 

Tharn froze. He did not expect that at all. He didn't even know where she was coming from. He tried to wrack his brain to think of any incident which would have made her feel uncomfortable to the point of asking Type to keep his distance from him, but came up empty. "What? I don't…." Tharn said as he looked up to stare at Type with eyes drenched in confusion, ".... understand."

Type could see the bewilderment and hurt in Tharn's eyes and felt even worse. "Yeah, neither do I. Apparently, the night we had gone out clubbing, you and I were dancing together and she felt very uncomfortable about it," Type said frustratedly. 

Tharn suddenly recalled a small memory of that night as he stared at the wall behind Type. He remembered holding Type in his arms as they swayed to the music. He felt immediate guilt assault his system at that recollection because he figured he was the reason for them being in that situation, given how drunk he had been. He looked back at Type, feeling guilt stricken. "I'm so sorry, Type. I don't even remember that properly because I was extremely drunk. I just remember how drunk you were and I was trying my best to look out for you," Tharn said sincerely. 

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