Chapter Sixteen: Saved by the Ben

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Day three and still no word from Nathan. It's petty of me to be counting the days he's been ignoring me but this is not just about me feeling rejected, It's driving e crazy because he promised to tutor me and I would have covered a certain amount of work by now.

I get that I wouldn't be on an Albert Einstein level but I'd have made some progress. Maybe I should have taken Matt from Math's offer. Even though he had a weird sense of communication, I doubt he'd be ghosting me when I need the lessons the most. Perhaps the offer still stands, I'll have to talk to him the following day as right now I'm already on my way home.


Maybe I should look for a professional tutor so I won't have to deal with anyone from that school after school hours.

"Hey, Vanessa."

Or maybe I should just bury my head in my books like I did before and try to catch up myself, that way I wouldn't have to deal with anyone at all.

"For fuck's sake!"

Two hands suddenly grabbed me from behind, the shock sending a heavy wave of fear throughout my body. I reflexively screamed, biting the closest body part I could reach which happened to be the shoulder.

"What the f- SHIT!" Nathan stumbled away from me, holding his probably throbbing shoulder.

I panted silently, my eyes wide and my guard up.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I snapped, glaring daggers at the scowling boy infront of me.

"What am I doing? You're the one who bit me!" He glared back, the intensity of it almost making me cower away.


"Why the fuck would you just grab me like that?! Do you have any idea how much you scared me?!" The more I yelled, the more my head rang. The sudden shock wave brought back memories I thought to have successfully buried in the back of my head.

Realization hit him and his eyes softened, body relaxing. "I'm- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just... I've been calling out to you but you weren't responding."

"Oh! Maybe it's because I was busy trying to think of a person who could tutor me after the person who promised to suddenly started ghosting me." I couldn't back down, my feelings were too haywire.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to... Let me make it up to you." He moved closer holding his hand out to try and touch me but I moved away.

"You didn't mean to? You didn't mean to? What is it that you didn't mean to do? Exchange your seat with other people to avoid me? Ignore my dozen texts and calls? Walk the other way when you saw me approaching? Suddenly drop me because Mrs volupsteous came into the picture? What didn't you fucking mean to do Nathan?!"

His eyebrows creased at the second last question, maybe I shouldn't have said that one out loud. "Who is Mrs v-"

"NOT the fucking point! I waited and waited for you to get back to me but you didn't." I felt reject, I wanted to add, "You should have just told me you didn't want to do it anymore, any of it instead of just wasting my fucking time."

I walked away, my strides larger than the previous ones but still not enough to out-walk him.

"Wait, look" He grabbed my arm forcing me to stop. I tried to pull away but his hold was too strong. "I still want to tutor you."

"Nathan." I breathed, but he carried on talking, my pleading voice falling on deaf ears.

"Hell, I'll even start right here right now if that will prove to you how serious I am."

Kissed his lips tasted his lies: Discontinuedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن