Chapter four: Imaginary friends

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Night came and went, and as always I stayed up half the night tossing and turning trying to find new ways to trick my mind into shutting down. I had my nightly dose of nightmares and I woke up soaked in both sweat and tears. It keeps getting worse each and every night, I'm scared I might have to start seeing a therapist again.

The hallway stretched on as I groggily walked towards my locker, my eyelids barely staying open and my limbs heavy. Each step I took brought me not only closer to my destination but also to two figures that stood making out right next to my locker.

I hate mornings and I hate those two idiots that don't realise it's too early for this shit.

A mop of brown hair finally registered in by brain and I groaned when I realised who it was. I stood next to Nathan who had a girl pressed up against the locker next to mine, his hands gripping her waist and hers tugging at his hair. I sloppily tried to punch in the combination but kept screwing it up because of the abnormal pace my heart was beating at.

A soft moan escaped his lips and I jolted upright, finally getting the combination right at probably the worst time. I realised that the faster I got my things the faster I could get away from there. I hurriedly pulled the door open with unfortunately too much force and it slammed against the side of Nathan's head making him headbutt the girl.

I let out a cuss word which was nothing compared to the string of cuss words that tumbled out of his mouth.

I really need to work on my door opening skills.

A pair of fuming eyes glared at me and I slowly backed away. The girl stood cross eyed trying to see the spot she was massaging on her aching forehead. She looked absolutely adorable, I could definitely see why he went for her. She was stunning and judging by how she hadn't joined the glaring party, she probably had a great personality too. Two things I can only wish I had.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Nathan barked and I flinched, my foot freezing mid air.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I'm just gonna... go" I jutted my thumb backwards trying to escape before the situation escalated, but my limbs froze when his next words reached my ears.

"Do you have to be such a bitch?!"

The girl stopped her futile attempt and stared at Nathan, at me and back at him again.

"What did you just call me?" My voice came out small, as if unsure on whether to ask the question or not.

His glare deepened and his grey eyes turned stormy as if me uttering a word infuriated him more than he already was. The girl turned and started walking away as if she didn't want to be a part of whatever was brewing between the two of us. I wish I could do the same but he said something he shouldn't have.

"I called you something you already know you are, a bitch. Why the fuc-"

The rest of his sentence was cut off when his head whipped to the side from the impact of my hand connecting with his cheek. His hand shot to his face and his mouth hung open as if he couldn't believe that someone would have the audacity to slap him.

"Listen here you piece of shit" I greeted my teeth, suppressing the urge to slap him again, "I know you don't like me and I don't like you either," lies "But don't think that just because you have anger issues you can go around calling people whatever you like. You don't know me and I don't know you, but trust me you don't want to know me this way. I'm not going to be disrespected by an entitled son of a gun who thinks that he is the only one with problems. If you can't be nice to other people staple your mouth shut. I made a mistake and I apologized for it, there was no need to call me names like that so fuck you. Have a nice day and go fuck yourself."

Kissed his lips tasted his lies: DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now