Chapter Fifteen: Mrs voluptuous

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Nathan's pov

We sat quietly inside Max's car, each of us lost in our own thoughts. The sun had long set, leaving behind a trail of bleeding darkness, its lifeline threatened by the lamps lining the streets.

I felt the gnawing feeling of someone staring at me for the hundredth time since we entered the car. I sighed knowing the only way to make him stop was to grant him the attention he not so subtly asked for.

"What, Justin?"

I had my arm covering my eyes as I laid on my back in the backseat. It was unsafe, but we're all gonna die at some point so what's the point of trying to outrun the inevitable?

"We all know who it is right?" Justin had his serious face on, a sight many never got to see. "I mean the person who put the picture in her book?"

Max momentarily glanced at me through the review mirror, I knew we were both thinking the same thing. Of course I knew who was responsible for that picture, but admitting to it felt like admitting to a murder crime. I couldn't do it, especially after letting Vanessa think we didn't know who planted it in her locker.

"I don't want to talk about that right now."

"NOBODY WANTS TO FREAKING TALK ABOUT IT NATHAN BUT WE HAVE TO!" Justin snapped, his hand paling from the tightening fist he was forming. He took a deep breath to calm his  nerves. I knew Justin cared for Vanessa, but I didn't realise the depth of it all and the guilt he clearly had been carrying all this time.

"Look Jus, I know you care about her but-" I started but he cut me off, I honestly preferred the idiotic, always laughing version of him because this one kind of freaked me out.

"Oh yeah I care about her alright. Even Max cares about her and we both know this guy doesn't care about anyone."

"Hey! That's not-" Max tried to defend himself but was cut off.

"Shut up Maxon!" Justin was like a ticking time bomb. This wasn't just about Vanessa anymore, this were all his suppressed emotions finally boiling over. And from how Max glanced at me, he knew it too. "My point is that this is not about me or Max, this is about you and the selfish choices you keep on making."

"What?" I sat up straight, facing him head on. "What selfish choices have I made?"

"You mean besides fooling around with her without letting her know the kind of danger she was walking into? Without atleast giving her the choice to choose whether she wanted any part of it at all?"

"I'm not fooling around with her." I tried to defend.

Justin laughed humorlessly, giving Max an opportunity to cut in. "We are your bestfriends Nate, We know what you've been doing with her. And if we know, I don't want to imagine what someone who's been monitoring you knows."

Realisation dawned on me and I felt both stupid and guilty. "Fuck me." I should have known.

"Yes fuck you that's right, and as if doing that to her wasn't enough you sat there and pretended like you didn't know that those words on the picture were a warning. You pretended to not know who sent it nor why they did it. Unless you hadn't noticed, you just betrayed another woman you love."

"Don't be silly babe, I, regardless of what you're thinking love you. I'm yours to keep."

"And don't you dare say you don't love her because we both know you do. You had a chance to make up for your mistakes but you didn't take it."

"Nathan help me, please. There's... there's someone following me, I don't know what to do. Please help."

"What did you want me to do Justin?! What did you want me to do?!"

Kissed his lips tasted his lies: DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now