Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 31

5 1 0

September 10, 2020

School started again and I already wanna die

Oh God. I forgot about the beginning of this chapter.

So I have this huge author's note at the beginning and it. Really. Bothers me. It's so fucking long and, as you all know, IT'S RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING.

Now, I was fairly new to writing on Wattpad and didn't really understand a lot of things yet. Now when I have something I wanna say (an author's note), I prefer to put it at the end. It's more polite(?) that way I guess. If it's at the beginning, it's like I'm forcing people to read it and some people really don't give a shit so I feel bad about that. At least if it's at the end people can skip it and go on about their day. So I apologize for basically shoving my life down your throats 😓

Also if any of you happen to do this, I'm not trying to call you out or anything. This is just how I personally feel about author's notes. If you put it at the beginning, it's your book so no one has a say in it. But I have seen a lot of people say they don't like it when they're at the beginning of the chapter and I understand why so it's kinda influenced my opinion on the whole topic.

Back to the story tho...CELESTE.

She runs to the car and is seemingly panicked. Upon closer inspection, (Y/n) realizes she's bleeding. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHEN JIMIN AND (Y/N) WERE GONE? Y'ALL HAD A SPARRING MATCH OR SOMETHIN?

So it turns out there was AN IMPOSTER.


A lot of people got hurt, some killed. Celeste describes them as possibly being a witch since they were able to pick the girls up and send them flying without touching them. Yeah, definitely sounds like some voodoo shit. But apparently there was a message left for Jimin and Celeste offers to show him it as well as where this intruder first appeared.

So they all go into the home. Also, gotta love when Jimin doesn't care about some of the girls dying 😌👌. I mean yeah he's beyond pissed but "'there were probably only a few girls who met unfortunate ends'". He really just said RIP but at least I got my other hos and left it at that 🤪💀

It's quite clear there was a struggle. Lots of broken shit and blood. Also some corpses but THAT'S FINE. IT'S WHATEVER. At the top of the stairs, they find the message. "'Do you regret what you did yet?'" it reads. HMMM, PRETTY SUSPICION 🤔🧐🤔🧐🤔🧐🤔

A lot of people think it's Laura's family but Jimin actually thinks it's Allyson. Wonder who the culprit really is 👀. Jimin asks Celeste to take him to where the witch was found and suggests (Y/n) go find the offerers. SO THAT'S WHAT SHE'S GONNA DO ٩( ᐛ )و. After walking around for a bit she eventually hears her name being called while in the hall. Some sort of secret door in the walls open and LOOK IT'S MIORI. ONE OF OUR BESTIES IS OKAY ☺️. LOT'S OF OTHERS TOO, INCLUDING CLARISSE 🥰. Also Miori gives a short explanation as to what happened.

But where's Soomi?

NOT TO WORRY EVERYONE. OUR FAV GIRL IS DOING JUST FINE. But we DO have another problem. Celeste is here, and most definitely unconscious. She got knocked out while fighting the witch. So who's the other Celeste with Jimin? MOST LIKELY THE FUCKING WITCH SO YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS OVER TO JIMIN RIGHT NOW (Y/N) 😤

She eventually gets to Jimin's office and WOW, A BODY HAS BEEN FOUND. But it's just the witch who is a Celeste clone so it's all good 😌

BUT JIMIN LOOKS LIKE HE'S HURT. He basically gives a rundown of what happened and it turns out the witch shot him with a bullet full of silver BUT IT'S A-OKAY. HE'S GONNA BE FINE 👌

There's some boring talk about Jimin's house having that secret bunker-like room and also about the witch performing some sort of spell to look like other people. Aside from that nothing really particularly interesting happens so I guess I'll end it here ✌️😬

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