Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 11

7 1 0

May 30, 2020

Sometimes I really wish that everyone had a limit to how much internet they could use each day. Maybe that'd be able to stop some of the shit that happens over it. Life fucking sucks.

So shit happens in this chapter ʕʘ‿ʘʔ

But first we gotta deal with the mellow stuff of course. Like (Y/n) seeing Clarisse for her fucked up face.

She's given some stuff to deal with the pain and then sent off on her way. While she's on her way to go upstairs, our heroine runs into two vErY aTtRaCtIvE aNd MyStErIoUs MeN 👀. Based on the descriptions, literally everyone knew that Yoongles was one of them 💀. Most people guessed Namjoon correctly, there were a couple of people who thought of Hobi and the rest were just confused.

I'd just like to say that I love Yoongi in this story. He's just so effortlessly sassy and blunt and it's awesome. Now that that's out of the way, I'll get back to the important stuff.

So Jimin comes downstairs and after freaking out over (Y/n)'s messed up face, he properly introduces her to our two beloved bachelors. Now, another thing I wanted to mention (and I forgot to do this during Tae's first appearance) but I really hate that I included their stage names. Although for some reason I didn't put Namjoon's..? But whatever. I just find it really stupid and unnecessary because they're literally never used in the story. It was a pointless detail. I also don't really like using them in general when referring to the guys 🤷‍♀️. I prefer to call them by their actual names or nicknames. The only exception is Seokjin because Jin is a nickname as well as his stage name.

Jimin goes back to talking about (Y/n)'s face. And A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE UPSET ABOUT HER NOT MENTIONING CELESTE. I know it's frustrating but CELESTE CAN LITERALLY GO ASSASSIN MODE ON THIS BITCH SO. And yeah Jimin is fast but THEM KNIVES BE FAST TOO WHEN THE NINJA THROWS THEM. But yeah, (Y/n) is also stupid and sometimes is too forgiving/kind. In real life, this would probably end up getting her killed 😓. BUT IT'S FANFICTION SO 🤪

So then Clarisse comes and interrupts and OH MY LORD SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN. There is a MAN DEMANDING TO SPEAK WITH OUR MC. GASP! WHO COULD IT BE 🙃🤔🙃?

Okay but literally everyone knew it was Merric so 🚶‍♀️. And I'm not surprised because I think it was pretty easy to see it coming.


While Jimin and (Y/n) wait for this uNkNoWn character, Jimin says HE IS A WEREWOLF. GASP! THE HORROR! AND THEN WE FIND OUT IT IS MERRIC! I AM GOING TO FAINT!

This also probably didn't come as too much of a shock? Like there were so many people in the first and second chapter predicting that he'd come out to be a werewolf.

Merric and MC start arguing. Both are hypocrites, let's just get that out of the way. It's obvious that (Y/n) lies about her whereabouts but it is also true that Merric lies to her about his true nature. He's her best friend and he knows how interested she was in supernatural life so pretty sure it would've come up at SoMe PoInT during a conversation. I'm sure he had multiple chances to tell her and, considering how close they are, you'd think he would. But yeah, moral of the story is they both kinda dumb.

Merric finally takes note of the bruise on her face and assumes Jimin is the one who hurt her. So he tries to attack the mochi but WHOA NAMJOON COMES IN AND BITCH SLAPS HIM AWAY. AND YOONGI COMES IN ALL SASSY AND SMEXY ASGKLLD 🥵

I know some people were upset about Yoongi's treatment of Merric. Y'all have to remember that the guys are best vampire friends and Merric is a werewolf. Of course they're gonna be mean to him without consulting (Y/n), especially since she means nothing to them. They could give a rat's ass about whether he's her best friend or not. They're gonna stick up for each other first. Of course, that's not to say you need to support Yoongi's abuse and cheer him on. You're free to be upset. I'm just saying that this is a reason behind his actions and that he's not just being a dick for no reason.

So yeah, that's all for this chapter. And right here is where I'd like to just STOP but I gotta sit through the next chapter and GOD is it gonna be painful ☺️🥰☺️🥰

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