Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5

29 2 0

April 27, 2020

I saw a bunch of these tik toks about live screen wallpapers and now I have a bunch. I added a regular photo at the beginning to make them look normal so no one will know what they really are. I am spy 👀

Besides the normal stuff like grammar and whatnot, there isn't too much that happens in this chapter. It's a lot of just explaining the vampire nature so I won't really be criticizing anything but more like explaining my inspiration.

So the only stuff that really harms a vampire are stakes, silver and werewolf bites. I'm pretty sure this stuff is in any vampire book/movie/show you'll encounter. The whole paralyzing with a stake unless used correctly is inspired by a show called Moonlight. The silver part--particularly being transmitted through bullets and needles--is also inspired by that show. The werewolf bite comes from The Vampire Diaries.

I also mention cutting off a vampire's head to assure it's death. I honestly can't remember exactly what inspired me to include this. It easily could've been Moonlight because while writing this "lore" I had been thinking about that show a lot. I think another major contributor could've been The Vampire Diaries, though. Especially the resurrecting part because literally everyone on that show comes back to life (part of the reason I started getting tired of the show 🙃).

Some minor things include sunlight, garlic and food, all of which were inspired by Moonlight. I did read a comment that said the whole thing about sunlight only weakening vampires rather than making them burst into flames also came from Vampire Knight but I had no idea.

By now I think all of you might be able to tell that I was a little obsessed with this Moonlight show. Which allows me to segue into this promotion; I recommend that show. I think it's pretty different from other vampire books/movies/shows, or the actual history. I mean, garlic and the sun doesn't affect the vampires--that's wack. Even the whole transformation is different. Generally their eyes get all red or whatever and the fangs come out, but for this show the eyes become this beautiful shade of light blue/gray. It's actually so nice 😍

There's one season (unfortunately 😞) since it was cancelled due to it being aired on Friday nights, a time where no one was watching TV because they were out eating or partying. It's a show from the mid-2000s and, being a drama, it's got its cheesy moments that might make you cringe. But honestly, I think it's worth it.

So anyways, that's my promo and there's really not much else I have to say about this chapter. There was one comment that asked whether vampires would like period blood which was...interesting. But other than that, this chapter was pretty plain.

(Also to anyone who is now wondering, NO THEY WOULD NOT LIKE IT. Although some of you might think otherwise, period blood is not blood. There are only a few drops in it which make it look red but the rest is lining from your uterus combined with a bunch of other waste. There's your Sex-Ed lesson for the day ^_−☆)

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