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There are terrible dreams, suffocating nights, blurred vision, and a pounding heart.

Diary Entry 1:

" Most of my nights are left in wonder between the world and the universe. Interesting fact, the universe tends to attract you - the infinity of the universe attracts you when the world seems to stifle you.

I lay at night, to feel these thoughts and in the mornings I find myself struggling to make it out of the bed (And NO, it is not because I have a handsome hunk beside me). It starts with the feel to stay still when the whole world around you tries to kill.

But I struggle, only to succeed, to take that one step and breathe. It is a fight no one sees. "

Hi world, I am Parul and this is how I start my day sometimes - diary notes for a head full of thoughts

*loud sigh*

I walk out of the room and see my Mom running around with my younger brother, Sahil. Just as annoying as he is - holy god, is he adorable! I look at my Mom and smile.

"Ma, where's Dad?"

"Parul beta, you know his duty has no timings. They end and start according to no one's desire." she smiles

"Sahil! Parul! I am in a rush. People are waiting for me at the hospital. Please don't miss the bus" she yells while juggling with the keys

* 10:30 am *

The college bell rings and students in the corridor start to disperse in all directions. I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw Naksh - the handsome hunk I'd want to wake up to.

"Yeah, right start acting awkward now!" Niti exclaims

"Hey, shush he is walking towards us. Come on now!" I whisper

*And Naksh walks away from us*

"Phew!" I yell

"Yeah, right this is going to get the two of you very very close," Niti smirks

"Well, the universe will play its role. You will see it mate!" I tease

* 9:30 pm *

Diary entry 2:

"There are two kinds of people. One book smart and two world smart. And I? I am the perfect mix of both! You choose or I pick.

Well, as cliché as it sounds I am a mix of both the worlds. I can talk about random things in both the ways - a Water Bottle? Sure! I could go, love the different sizes and shapes, one of the most versatile non-living things that exist OR Did you know? A million water bottles are bought around the world every minute - which breaks down to 20,000 bottles a second and this number might increase up to 20% by 2021!

And no, I am not saying that I am an interesting person, I am just saying I could be one."

- My diary entries are vague. I don't fill in pages with the happenings of my day, just those thoughts any day -

* 11:30pm *

Sahil wakes me up suddenly

"Parul di, why isn't Mom home yet?" he asks worried

"Sahil, she might be busy with lots of patients to attend to." I smile

"I don't feel good, Parul di. Can I sleep with you?"

"Yes, Sahil. Don't worry Mom will be back before you know it." I clutch his hand

-- Next day --

* 9:30 am *

I walk out of the room, dressed and ready for college. I see my Mom restless, juggling with too many tasks and Sahil being chaotic around the house.

"Parul beta please take care of your brother. Drop him at the bus stop." Mom leaves giving me a peck on the cheek

"Sahil lets leave!" I yell

"Parul di, what is Captain America's shield made of?"

"Well, it is made of proto-adamantium."

We keep talking as we walk towards the door

"The- WHAT!?" he looks at me puzzled

"It is a mixture of a variety of components, Sahil" I smile

"Whoaa, can you get me those for my birthday? I want to make a shield for myself too!" he sounds excited

"Sure, Sahil. I will. You still have 2 days left for your birthday."

*Bus arrives and Sahil leaves*

My college is approximately two miles away from my house so I prefer walking and helping my ears with some songs

* 11:30 am *

I walk around the corridor with Niti, we plan to skip class and escape to the canteen.

"Let's grab some food! Shall we?" Niti looks around and says

"Help yourself, I am not that hungry."

"Okay, Are you back at reading your book?" Niti asks while stuffing some chips in her mouth

"Yeah, this book covers a lot of history. Humans and their behaviours." I explain

"Yeah yeah, keep that to yourself not very keen on knowing how humans behave. They're trash anyway!"

"Oh, come on Niti!"

* 1:30 pm *

We head back to class and everyone starts cheering

"Say Whaa-at?" Niti yells

"Are they cheering for us?" I blurt

"Well, Parul you are selected to be this year's annual camp host!" says a voice from behind

I look around to find Naksh right behind me- talking to me. OH-MY-GAWD! Looking at me!!

"Well um, what? Are you? Um, what? Okay, I don't know. You're welcome." I falter

"Yeah, I mean Thank You. But? " he looks at me with a smile

"Haha, she's funny like that. She is extremely happy about this and is eagerly waiting for this to start!" Niti interrupts

"Well, cool okay. See you tomorrow!" Naksh smiles and leaves

* 5:30 pm *

Diary entry 3:

"Sometimes the world spins faster, some moments look for a pause but they run. It was that moment with Naksh where everything seemed to move fast but was also wanting a pause. Confusing, ain't it?

But human behaviour keeps changing in ways unknown- a hurricane of emotions rush and there are moments you feel highly-spirited and in seconds feel downcasted. It is deranged, intriguing.

My days are surprisingly going well, I did not encounter any panic attack from 1 month, no rage. Everything seems calm like it is supposed to. I was told I would feel this way, soon and maybe this was soon? Long-lasting soon I hoped."

* 6:30 pm *

"There is no clue of Sahil. He was supposed to come back home 1 hour back and I cannot find him, Maa" I yelp on phone

"WHERE IS HE, Parul? Did you check outside? Did you contact the driver? Did you check in Jaya aunty's place?" Maa keeps yelling

* 7:30 pm *

Still can't find Sahil. 

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