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(Y/N) burst into his office, "Did you set me up with Gilderoy?" She demanded, and plopped down on one of his chairs, "Good afternoon to you too," drawled Severus, looking up from the parchment he was reading, "And I don't know what you're talking about." (Y/N) tutted at him, and then sighed with a love-struck expression, "Well, if it was you thanks a lot!" Severus quirked an eyebrow, "He's so beautiful and strong, and charming." She sighed dreamily, again.

Severus paled, damn it, lost another friend to an arrogant jerk. Severus shook his head, "Are you feeling well, (Y/N)?" The woman frowned at him, "I'm alright, Severus." She replied, dismissively, "But have you seen how Roy looked in those robes?" She sighed dreamily, for the third time, and Severus blinked, "Roy?" He repeated.

"Gilderoy Lockhart! Pay attention!" She snapped, frowning angrily at Severus, whose eyebrows rose, "Okay?" He said, (Y/N) nods at him, and began babbling about how hot and dreamy 'Roy' was, Severus grimaced in disgust, and made the connection almost immediately, the bastard gave her a love potion!

Severus growled lowly with suppressed rage, and stood up as calmly as he could, his blood boiling as he fumed silently - he didn't know why, but he was. She's my friend, he reasoned in his head, moving around to fix an antidote as (Y/N) giggled about Lockhart, and quickly asking his house-elf, Ralf, to get a cup of cocoa for (Y/N), he handed her the goblet, sitting down, masking his face into fake coolness.

"What's this?" She questioned, swirling the red liquid around the goblet, "A gift from Roy," Severus replied, simply. (Y/N) just raised an eyebrow, and downed the potion, "Holy cheese," She mumbled, shaking her head drowsily, "Are you feeling alright now?" Came Severus' quiet voice, (Y/N) looked at him an embarrassed flush coating her cheeks.

"I'm fine, Severus, thanks." She said, a little awkwardly, running a hand through her face, sagging against her chair, "You're mad." (Y/N) noted, smiling slightly nervous, "Yes." Severus replied, "... At me?" She murmured quietly, and Snape was quiet for a moment, "No,"  He said, finally.

(Y/N) sighed in relief, "Are you going to murder Lockhart?" She inquired, Severus leaned back against his chair, "Maybe." He replied, and (Y/N) nodded, "I don't know anything." She told him, Severus did not say anything, opting instead to raise an eyebrow at her.

Awkward silence floated through the room, and Severus had calmed down considerably but was still planning on torturing one Gilderoy Lockhart, he handed (Y/N) the steaming cup, she mumbled her thanks, looking down into her cup.

Why? A quiet voice echoed in his head, why would you want to torture Lockhart?

Because Lockhart is annoying. Severus told the voice, And he poisoned (Y/N), it's not right.

That shut the voice up quickly. And Severus was pulled out of his reverie by the clinking of the mug onto his mahogany desk, he looked up from his fingers, his heart skipping a beat when he saw (Y/N)'s bright smile, "Chocolate really helps, thanks." she beamed, "I'll see you later Sev!" She kissed his cheek and skipped out of the room. Leaving Severus shocked speechless on his desk.

She probably did that on impulse, he told - no, he lied to himself, his thoughts was whirling around his mind and he came to realize something. Severus' felt his chest tighten, and he let out a groan, his head dropping into his desk, and he cursed under his breath. 

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