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Over the course of Severus Snape's career as a teacher at Hogwarts, he had always declined the invitation of his colleagues to the annual staff's start-of-term party, because firstly, there was no point in celebrating the months of torture caused by the dunderheads he was supposed to teach, and secondly, Snape hated parties.

The first few years he started teaching, Albus Dumbledore, along with Minerva McGonnagall and Filius Flitwick, invited Severus to the party one by one, to which he had politely declined, and around his fifth year of teaching they became too persistent, so, Snape firmly and disdainfully declined them and had to ward all of them off, the next year thereafter Albus had recruited more teachers to invite Severus to that party, even the House elves, all except Ralf, his personal house elf, and Poppy Pomfrey.

Soon, it had become a game. Everyone attempted to convince him to come to the party, but he declined every time.

A year later, it eventually became tradition (Dumbledore said so), some of the staff members old and new would take turns to invite Severus to the party, he found it irritating.

A part of him wanted to see what his colleagues were up to during that night.

(He wakes up to hear them right outside his door, begging for hangover potions, as Poppy refuses to give them the potions, and when he asks what they've been doing, they refuse to talk about it.)

Severus found no reason to go anyway.

That was until the new Herbology Assistant Professor showed up.

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