e l e v e n

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(Y/N) hummed under her breath, her wand lit so she could see the way. She grinned sheepishly at the paintings who muttered their displeasure at the bright light. (Y/N)'s meeting with Pomona had just finished and she was making her way back to the dungeons.

The dark halls were spooky, reminding (Y/N) of the muggle horror movie she had watched with her muggle-born friends, shivering, her hand tightened on her wand, the only sounds were her now uneasy humming and the tap of her shoes; she was half expecting someone to jump out and scare the living shite out of her or a loud noise behind her-

CRASH! Heavy metal clunked on the ground behind (Y/N), making her jump several feet away, Great, she thought glumly, I just jinxed it. Cautiously, she turned and pointed her wand towards the sound, "Hello?" she called out, her voice slightly shaking.

If you die today at least you won't have to see Lockhart's face again. Her mind, unhelpfully, supplied. Gulping, she stepped forward, ignoring the alarm in her head to turn and leave, what if it was a student? and they were hurt? That just fuelled (Y/N)'s courage, and she took a couple more steps, straining her ears for something, she heard something rolling towards her.

Pointing her wand at the sound, she saw a flash of silver before it deftly rolled to her feet, she let out a yelp, and kicked the head away- hard, it thunked loudly against the wall and rolled away, that was creepy. "H-hello?" A tiny voice called, (Y/N) immediately bounded towards the voice, momentarily hesitating- what if this was a demon child?

Meh. "Hello? Where are you?" She quickly made it to where she thought the voice was and stopped when she saw a small chubby boy pop his head out from behind a tapestry, holding a toad in his hand, "H-hi. I'm over here.. I'm lost, I was looking for Trevor." He holds up the toad, (Y/N) smiled as gently as she could, and ushered the boy out from behind the tapestry, "What's your name? Are you a first-year?" she asks him, "I'm N-Neville Longbottom, I'm in my s-second year." The boy answered, shaking like a leaf.

She rubs his back soothingly, "It's okay, Mr. Longbottom, I'll help you to your dorms, do you remember the password?" He scrunched up his eyebrows, "It's, ah, I don't know." He stumbled with his words, face crestfallen. "Hey, that's okay. I can ask around-" She tensed and bit back a scream when she felt a hand on her shoulder, "Sh- sugar plums!" She blurts, not wanting to curse in front of Neville. Neville looked fearfully at the person behind her.

"Professor (L/N)," A silky smooth voice drawled from behind her, and she instantly calmed, "Professor Snape!" She breathed, turning to face him, "Uh, I was just heading back to the chambers- but Mr. Longbottom here appears to have lost his way." Severus quirked a brow, "Indeed?" He murmured, turning his attention to the boy, "Why exactly have you lost your way, Mr. Longbottom?" His voice was cold and his eyes were even colder.

Several moments past and Neville was just staring at Severus wide-eyed, "He lost his toad." (Y/N) answered for him. "As a second year, he should know his way better." Severus sneered lightly, "It's late, Mr. Longbottom should be sleeping, I'll help him to his common room. Do you happen to know the password to the Gryffindor common room, Professor Snape?"

Severus nods, "Fortitude. I will accompany you, I have to drop some potions off for Professor McGonagall." (Y/N) nods, and the trio silently walked to the dorms.


(Y/N) flopped on the sofa, and Severus quickly followed, settling beside her. The silence stretched. "Are you not going to ask why I'm mean to the boy?" (Y/N) shook her head, "Nope." Severus turned to look at her, his eyebrow arched in surprise.

"Really?" (Y/N) gave him a little grin, "Nuh-uh," she pursed her lips, looking a tiny bit sheepish, "Minerva spilled my life story, didn't she?" That would explain it, she's such an old biddy. Severus thought fondly and leaned his head on the back of the sofa, (Y/N) bites her lip to suppress her laughter and nodded once.

"-she did with Albus." She finally says- or rather, breathes. "Of course they did, gossips." Severus remarks sardonically, (Y/N) let out a chuckle.

"You didn't drop off any portions for Minerva." (Y/N) comments, Snape nods, "Mhmm, I was.. worried the person who broke into your flat could potentially harm you." He admits. "Oh, well, thanks for looking out for me, Sev." she reaches for his hand and squeezed it lightly. Severus just gave her a crooked grin.

"Want to play a game?" She says suddenly, and Severus shook his head immediately, "No." (Y/N) pouts, and bumps her shoulder on his playfully, "Please Sev?" Severus shook his head firmly, "No, (Y/N), we have class tomorrow."

They ended up playing the game anyways.

"What time is it?" (Y/N) sets the piece down, yawning. Severus waved his wand, "Its.. eleven P.M. Let's go to bed." He stands and stretched, and then paused. "Fuck." (Y/N) looks up, "What's wrong?"

"I forgot to ask Albus to add another room to my chambers." He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration, "Oh," (Y/N) winced, Severus turned to face her, his face was surely hesitant, "We could.." He paused, and crossed his arms, this is a terrible idea. He berates himself, "We could..?" (Y/N) encouraged him to continue, but he didn't.

"Sev, if we're going to make this relationship work, we have to communicate," (Y/N) says in a light tone, "Of course," he says, nodding, "As I was saying," he cleared his throat, "We could just share my bed."

"We could share your bed," she repeats, "Yeah, that could work," she stands as well, flicking her wand to put the things away, "You wouldn't mind it would you?" Severus just shook his head.

In just a few moments, Severus was under the covers, (Y/N) was beside him. In bed. Merlin. He blinks at the ceiling, "(Y/N)?" He murmured, "Yeah?" came the whisper, she rustled a bit, "Our.. relationship, what do you see it as?"

"Well.." She pauses, "Well, we've already admitted we like each other, so, we're more than friends." He nods, and then remembered she couldn't see him, "Agreed."


Suddenly she wrapped her arms tightly around him, causing him to stiffen. He relaxed slowly into her embrace, slowly putting his arms around her. (Y/N) leaned her head into his chest, her hair tickling his chin. "It's really cold down here." She murmurs, and then dissolved into soft snores. Severus smiled into the dark, pressing a kiss on her hair. "Good night, darling."

Wasn't that lovely? I'm really a sucker for the "There's only one bed" trope. Warm fuzzy feelings all 'round :) Also, go check out my Alan x Reader soulmate AU, if you haven't already. Hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!

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