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Jades POV

"Jadeeeee" I heard cat squeal while she came bounding towards my locker where me and beck were "this Sunday tori and Robbie and Andre and cat are all going to the beach again.. woahhh my names cat, anyways I wanna know if you and beck wanna come too" she yelled in my ear while throwing her arms around my shoulders

"First of all get your hands off me or I will cut off all your fingers one by one" she quickly let go of the firm grasp she's had and jumped back a foot "and No I won't go with you"

"Why not??" She asked me pouting. God I hate it when people get all needy and whiny also how could she not guess why I wouldn't want to go to the beach

"Two reasons. One remember what happened last time, two I don't go in the ocean"

"What happened last time?" Ok honestly how can someone be this clueless

"Don't you remember th- you know what forget it. I'm still not going"

"Please please pleasey pleaseee with sprinkles" she begged

"I hate it when you beg but I'm still not goi-"

"We'll be there" beck piped up from behind me. I turned around to glare at him. He knew I hated the ocean not to mention every one that was going so why had I gotten roped into this. He probably just wants an excuse to spend time with Vega. He just grinned back at me. He thinks that smile can get him out of anything doesn't he "you'll have fun"

"No I won't" I hissed back. I was about to start yelling at him but then the bell rang and my chances got cut short, we'll discuss this later

"Why would you say yes to cat you know we can't take it back now or she'll cry right? I asked climbing into the passenger seat of his truck

"Cause it'll be fun"

"No it won't you know I don't go in the ocean! You know what happened in third grade" I crossed my arms. I refuse to have fun with them

"Actually no I don't know what happened in their grade, what did happen with that dolphin?"

"You really wanna know?"

"Ok find when I was eight I went to the beach with my parents and jack and I got mad at my dad so I decided to swim as far away as I could cause I didn't want to be near him so I kept swimming and swimming but I got so far that I got tired so I was just floating for a bit but then this stupid dolphin kept touching my legs and it wouldn't stop so I tried to swim away but it just kept following me and because I was so tired from swimming I almost drowned and I had to be rescued and it was one of the most embarrassing days of my life and jack still brings it up. Now don't mention this to anyone"

I sat there waiting for beck to reply or give me sympathy like a good boyfriend but all he did was smile and start laughing

"You think me almost drowning is funny?!" I was enraged

He stopped laughing quickly "no no I wasn't laughing at you drowning I was laughing at the fact that you're scared of dolphins"

"I'm not scared of them they just freak me out" I defended. Cause it's true who couldnt be scared of a big grey blob of fat that squeals

"If you say so, just try to have a little fun. For me?"

God why did he have to add that last "for me" he knows I'll give in

"Fine whatever. But only cause I want to, not for you" I said turning and pointing my finger in his face while he drove

We all decided to come in separate cars so there wouldn't be the same problem as last time except beck also had to drive cat but that wasn't an issue

"Yay the beach!" Cat screamed while she ran towards the ocean like a five year old. Maybe she'll get eaten by a whale, one can only hope

I stayed by the car while beck got ours bags out of the car"You ready to have fun?" He asked coming up behind me

I decided not to respond instead I just crossed my arms and stomped off to follow cat who has somehow found a shovel and bucket and was building cats castle again

Beck followed behind me and started to lay down our towels and some food he had brought. I watched Andre and Vega desperately trying to flirt with people but Robbie being even more desperate. Maybe a whale should just take them all. In one bite

"Ok babe it's all ready"

I walked back towards our spot where beck was laying down so I lay down next to him with his arm under my head and we just sat there for a while enjoying each other's presence like we were the only ones on that beach or even in the world. Just me and beck forever. However the moment was ruined when I heard Andre yelling for all of us to go play volleyball, which isn't the worst thing in the world except it was one of those floating nets so it was in the water

I don't like water

Beck took his arm out from under my head and stood up then held out a hand for me. I sat up on my elbows and raised my eyebrow at him, he doesn't seriously think I'm going to play does he?


Apparently he does

"Beck I told you I'm not going in the water" I reminded him, laying back down and putting my sunglasses on

"Ok fine whatever" he said backing away. Oh good he's laying off my case and I won the fight it's about time I haven't gotten my way in a long time

I distantly saw cat bounding towards me in her tiny bikini a few seconds later she came over to me and jumped on me which I already hate but what made it worse was the fact that she was soaking wet and covered in sand

"CAT! Why would it do that!" I screamed pushing her off of me and trying to wipe all the sand off

"Beck told me to!"

I'm sorry he what. I looked around her sure enough there was beck with his hands shoved in his pockets grinning at me. You've got to be kidding me

"Why would you do that?!" I yelled at him, getting up and stomping towards him

"There was no other way to get you up" he replied. God he was still grinning. I may be soaking wet right now and covered in dirty sand but I'm still not going in the water to play with them

"Cmon just come play for a bit-
"Don't say it will be fun. You say that too much"
"Fine I won't say it"

Eventually between him and cat and a lot of begging they managed to convince me to go into the water for little bit, I don't know how so I grabbed becks hand that was held out to me and he led me towards the water and slowly made our way in

"I don't like this" I said once we were about waist deep "I wanna go back"

"Don't go back we're not even in that far"

I really wanted to run back cause I felt something touch my foot but I stayed just to prove a point

"Here" he said turning around and crouching a bit then putting his arms behind him like he wanted to give me a piggy back ride

I jumped on to his back and he kept going deeper and deeper until he was almost chest deep, I rested my chin on his shoulder and snuggled into the crook of his neck. He turned his head to look at me then kissed my cheek which made me laugh a bit

"Smile!" Cat yelled from closer to the shore.

Beck turned around quickly to face cat and kissed my cheek again so I would smile cause he knew I'd never smile if she told me to and he was right.

Now that picture hangs in his RV next to a bunch of other pictures of the two of us as a reminder of the day I kinda got over my ocean hatred

Ok first person not sure if I'm feeling this. Probably not but whatever

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