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Despite beck being a fantastic actor he was a terrible liar because he never lied so he wasn't good at it. When he did lie it was blatantly obvious and he was horrible at making excuses for getting out of things

Jade however was a master at lying since she lied so often to everyone. Her friends, her family random people who tried to make small talk with her. Anyone.

Since beck was a bad liar he could never tell if anyone was lying to him except sometimes jade but only cause he spent so much time with her however jade could instantly tell if someone was lying to her

Whenever beck lied he always avoided eye contact, or rubbed the back of his neck or talked in an odd tone but when jade lied she stayed the same. Same tone, same stance everything was normal

Beck tried not to lie to jade or his parents as much as possible cause he lied when he was younger and it never ended well for him so he always got scolded and told not to tell lies

Beck had tried to lie once and only once to jade. He'd have tried more but lying the first time made him stressed and jade saw through him almost immediately so he didn't try that again. they were in their sophomore year when he came home late and she asked where he had been.

"What took you so long?" Jade asked harshly from the couch when he stepped into the RV

Beck panicked a bit internally

"Oh uh the game that Andre and I were playing ended up uh going into a couple more rounds?"

"I thought you were with Robbie? You texted me "hey babe going to help Robbie fix his car cause it's got major issues again I'll be back soon love you " She recited crossing her arms and cocking her head to the side while still staring him dead in the eyes

Beck knew he was slightly busted but tried to keep going anyways "oh yeah Robbie was with us cause like I WAS with Robbie first but then we like went to andres after"

"Are you lying to me?"

"What, no! I'd never lie of course not" he said going over to kiss her

"I'll ask again then. Are you lying beck?" She asked dodging his kiss and turning to face him



Beck sighed in relief a little

"If you're not lying about who you were with then why does Tori's latest slap update say "having fun with beck drinking lemonade and watching celebrities underwater" she asked reading from her phone in her hand


Why would tori post that? Did she want beck dead. Beck knew he had really messed up this time so he tried to stop the brewing fight the only way he knew how. He started making our with her until she pulled back again

"Why would you lie to me then lie about lying!" She exclaimed "what were you doing alone with her!?"

"Relax we were just running lines for uptown downtown but then we got bored for a bit and watched tv then continued"

She couldn't completely tell if he was lying. He seemed pretty sincere"Are you lying to me again?" She asked bitterly

"Nope I'm telling the truth." He replied confidently

He was definitely telling the truth now cause he had stopped stuttering and the panic in his eyes was gone

"But then why wouldn't you tell me instead of lying a bunch"

"Cause I did tell you would've ripped her head off her body" he said calmly

Jade knew he was right but she didn't want to give in the satisfaction of being right "no I wouldn't. I would've gone for an arm or leg"

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