Evening date

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"Let's have a date night tonight" beck suggested while they were sitting in his RV

"Don't be such a sap" she replied rolling her

Pleaseee we never go on real "dates" ever. We're always with everyone else" he begged using air quotes around "date"

"Fine but what are we gonna do? It's almost five"

"Come on I have a plan but it's a surprise " he said sounding more excited now has he grabbed her arm and yanked her off the couch

"Beck at least let me get ready" she whined
"Fine Fine, Ill get ready too meet me back here in forty five minutes"

As jade drove home she started to wonder about this date. What was she supposed to wear because like beck had told her she hadn't been on a proper date in almost two years. Jade wished that beck had at least told her what they were doing cause that could really change the clothes she picked

Once she pulled into her driveway she jumped out of her black car and slammed the door before running up to her room.

"The hell do I wear" she muttered to herself as she rifled through all the clothes in her closet.

"It's not like I have to be fancy or anything cause I see him all the time this is also kinda fancy" she thought to herself

After twenty minutes her room was a disaster but she had an outfit chosen. She had chosen her black skater skirt with a dark red long sleeve shirt to tuck into it. Since it was May it wouldn't be that cold. Once she was dressed she quickly touched up her hair and makeup then left her room in a hurry

"Why do look all fancy and weird" Asked her twelve year old brother Trevor

"Cause I have a date tonight so find your own dinner" she called behind her as she ran past him and ruffled his hair

"But I can't cook... and you have a boyfriend so who are you going on a date with!" He yelled after she had slammed the door

Meanwhile beck had been sitting in his RV trying to figure out where to take her. He didn't really have a plan but he knew if he said he didn't have any ideas this wouldn't be happening right now. After sitting on his bed for a while he finally has the perfect idea so he quickly put on black jeans and one of his "fancier" flannels, grabbed an extra flannel since he knew jade would get cold and then spritzed on some cologne before heading out the door to his parents house. But first he stopped to look at himself in the mirror "I look hot" he thought confidently as he ran his hand through his hair.

He ran up to his house and into the kitchen to get some random fruits and then got some chocolates and candy out of a cupboard and a blanket off his couch before loading that all into the back of his truck

While he was putting stuff away jade drove back up to his driveway

"You gonna tell me what we're doing now?" She asked as she jumped out of her car

"Nah, I've got no clue what we're gonna be doing"

To this Jade raised her eyebrow

"Kidding! Don't worry I have a great plan" he assured her before kissing the side of her head

The first place beck had planned to stop at was nozus. Originally it was karaoke dokie but according to jade everyone there was desperate for talent and her boyfriend so they don't go there anymore.

"Nozus? Really beck? This is what you though of" she asked slightly surprised "we go here like 4 times a week"

"Ah but this stop is the first of many" he explained looking over at her

"Don't screw this up"

Once they had ordered and the food had arrived jade was still trying to get beck to tell her what else they were doing

"Come on just tell me where we're going"
"Nope but eat quick cause our next activity is time sensitive"
"You sound like a kindergarten teacher"
"Maybe. Just eat your sushi"
"Don't tell me what to do. I'll eat my sushi cause I want to"

After they had finished all their food and paid mrs lee for it they got back into becks car so he could drive them to the next destination

"Ok now will you tell me where we are going?"
"Fine but just this one. We're going to the movie theatre"
"Beck. We're not some crappy middle schoolers going on a bad first date!"
"We're going to see the scissoring 3"
"Oh, ok then let's go"

While they were watching the movie beck kept freaking out which jade loved. Jade on the other hand was staring intently at the big screen through all the blood and gore. After he movie was over and they were walking out of the theatre beck was practically shaking. He wasn't scared of the movie and the jump scares didn't bother him but now he was worried jade would get new ideas for new weapons and ways to kill people

"That was probably the scariest one yet!" Jade exclaimed while Turing around to see beck a couple feet behind her

"Yeah no kidding" he said. Beck hadn't seen the second one only the first one a million times with jade so he was used to the intensity of it but this one was way worse

"Ok last stop" beck finally said in the car after he'd composed himself "this one is a surprise"

It was almost ten now so it was pretty dark and the perfect time for the last thing beck had thought of. They were driving into the middle of no where and up a hill

"Beck where are you taking me" jade questioned panicking a bit while looking out the window

"I told you it's a surprise" he assures her as he placed his hand on her leg

"You better not be kidnapping me"

After ten more minutes of driving they were truly in he middle of no where and jade getting more and more freaked out

"Babe would you calm down? We're here look"

Beck had taken jade to a grassy clearing in the woods so they could sit in the back of his truck and look at the stars and the moon together

Once he had set up the blanket and the food in the ack of his truck he went to go get jade

"I'm cold" jade announced, instantly regretting the thin shirt she was wearing

"I knew you'd say that" beck said as he reached behind him to get the extra flannel from under the blanket


"Look at those stars" he said pointing at two stars that looked like they were a foot apart "they're like us"

Beck had expected jade to call him a sap and punch or call him a loser but instead she just pointed to two stars that were even closer together

"no those ones are like us" she said giving him a kiss

They sat there until it was almost midnight just talking and telling stories while they ate the fruit and candy beck brought. Eventually jade fell asleep against him so he picked her up to put her back in the car so he could drive back home

"That was fun beck" she murmured against his chest while he put her to bed

"See? maybe my sappiness is good sometimes." He smiled as he got in next to her

Ok I have one-shots planned for the next 5 letters but I need your help for K

I have zero ideas tell me what you think it should be!

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