Chapter 4

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The Devil's Teeth rose up from the ocean in ragged mountainous spires, like the fangs of a monstrous sea dragon. All but the largest of the Devil's Teeth were surrounded by unscalable cliffs of sheer black basalt, waves lapping at their stony feet. The larger of the islands likewise was surrounded by a dizzying rampart of black stone but it had a well protected harbor and a lagoon. It is into this bay that the Osprey and her crew sailed just as the storm began to bear down upon the surrounding sea.
The storm raged deep into the night, but Grimm was restless and ventured out onto the deck, heedless of the pounding rain. He stared into the jungle that blanketed the island's interior. Pellus was on deck too, his face dour and frightened as he strained his ears toward the jungle, muttering under his breath. Then Grimm heard it, through the wind and rain, unveiled even by the riot of thunder. It was the unmistakable sound of human screams, terrified shouts, and shrieks of pain and fear. He hastily went to find the captain.

They Come To FeedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora