Finding a Home

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If you are a tiny, the moment you are born into this world, you have it rough. A typical female tiny will have several children in her lifetime, but the sad part about that is she will most likely only ever see 3 grow up in her lifetime. She will raise them to maturity then "release them" to be off on their own in this cruel world.

At the age of eight, a tiny is considered to be mature. At this point in your life, you are expected to know how to get around on your own, obtain food, and know from instinct what places are safe in this world. If a female has a few "pups" who are close in age, she may allow them to stay with her until the youngest comes to age. Oliver currently lived with his mother and five other siblings. He was the youngest of them all and since he officially turned eight years old it was time for his siblings and him to leave. He had two pairs of older twin siblings. One pair just turned nine while the other pair of twins have been eight and a half. His oldest brother, who was nine and a half, already found a home with an alpha.

In Oliver's eyes that was the worst fate to ever have. It didn't guarantee your death or anything, but if an Alpha took a tiny in they always treated them like pets. Oliver knew it wasn't always horrible, but you never knew what your life with that person would be like until it was too late.

In a tinies life, they only had a few options in life. Live off of a human or Alpha, become a pet, or hope you can survive on the streets. Most choose to just live off of an Alpha or Human. If you choose this life you would steal items you needed from the giant while living in their home. You never allowed the giant to know you lived there, or that would spell disaster, especially if it was an Alpha who found you. If you lived on the streets most found communities to live in. These tinies were considered vermin because they lived off the land. Either stealing, digging through trash, or if they were out in the wild they grew their own food, but the dangers were always numerous.

His twin siblings who were close to his age took off together. Oliver believed they went and found an apartment to live in. Most likely they found a warm home in a first-floor apartment, tore out the foundation poles or insulation in the walls, and created their own home in the wall of an Alpha or Human. The other two siblings, he had no idea what happened too them. The twins couldn't agree on how they would live out in the world. One wanted to be a "pet" like their oldest sibling, but the other wanted to just live off the street. He didn't want to rely on any human or Alpha to live, so he wanted to leave the city completely. They traveled together for a time but split up. Oliver had gone to sleep one night and when he woke up, the last two of his siblings were gone. He was alone.

"Maybe they will come back. They wouldn't just leave like that. They promised we would stay together until all of us found a home."

Looking all around him, he started to get frightened about his situation. Why did he have to grow up in the city?

Dark clouds started to blotch and appear in the sky as if the God of artistry was taking a brush and randomly dabbing the sky of a canvas to make heavy smoke-colored clouds randomly appear. No rhythm. No designated area. He just wanted them there to cover up the sun and make the world gloomy.

Staring up at the sky then all around him at the humans who were just talking by, he couldn't help but start to shake. Where was this storm coming from? And why wasn't anyone even addressing his presence? It was like the humans didn't notice him. He would attempt several times to run out with his bright orange hair flying all over the place, but then a human would walk past on the sidewalk causing him to scurry back and almost drop his red and white baseball cap on the ground. There was one time that he ran out, dodged two humans walking past, but then ran right into the feet of one with high heels. She freaked out, started to scream like he was a mouse, causing him to run right back to his secure spot by the wall of a building. The woman caused his hat to fall off, so naturally, an eight-year-old kid would run back over to grab it only causing the women to start screaming once more and run away. Oliver had to dive out of the way of her feet as she ran across his poor hat trying to flee the dangerous eight-year-old that could easily fit in her hand.

This was the last time he tried. He grabbed his smushed hat, dodged even more humans, then coward against the wall praying no one would just pick him up or step on him while he wasn't looking.

With his head in his knees, all he could think was 'What will I do now?' The young child felt scared, alone, and just wanted anything to make him feel safe. It shouldn't be this hard to find a home. All of his kind did it at eight years old.

Water hitting his head, soaking him from head to toe was the thing that made his head raise up. It wasn't the scurrying humans trying to get out of the rain that basically disappeared on their skin as soon as it hit them. It wasn't the unbelievably humongous yellow monsters that the humans ran into to get from place to place or even the monstrous sounds they made when driving away in a hurry. It was the water drenching him from head to toe.

At this point, Oliver did feel like the rodent these humans treated him as. Getting up as quickly as he could he ran for cover. Any cover, even if it was trash, a drain pipe, a trash bin, it doesn't matter to the eight-year-old. He just wanted to make sure he was warm and dry. Ideally, he would be in a warm house like these humans curled up by a fire, but that just wasn't his destiny. Holding onto his red and white baseball cap he ran as if his life depended on it. By this point no humans we're even out anymore. All have gone for cover fearing that their expensive plaid shirts would be ruined or their cellphones would no longer work. The only things out were the monster motor vehicles.

As they passed water would go flying causing waves of dirt and grim to cover Oliver's white shirt turning it brownish. The only thing not affected was his blue sleeves that just looked a darker blue with the dirt mixed in. A few times the water was so high it would cover the whole sidewalk then run off the edge towards a gapping whole perfect size to devour Oliver's whole body if he wasn't careful.

Scurrying behind trash bins and tossed aside cardboard, he tried his best to find anyplace to go. At this point, he ran behind an already weeping box, just about to flop over and dissolve. Peeking out by placing both hands on the mushy brownish tan surface he could just make out a parked vehicle. There were no humans around. From the distance, it looked like the vehicle hadn't been moved for years with all the dirt and dust covering the windows. Running closer Oliver noticed there were no footprints in the mud to indicate someone was around, so he ran behind the tire. He made sure to position himself underneath the metal giant.

As he looked out observing all the creatures scurrying for shelter he wiped off as much water, muck, and dirt on his clothes as he could. Obviously, he would never get completely dry with these ruined clothes on, but at least he was in a dry place. Taking off his hat, Oliver waved it around in the air to get it dry too. He watched as water drips flew off from the fabric, then he wiped his hat off on his jeans to make sure the dirt was all off before putting it back on his head. He couldn't wait until all this was over. It couldn't get any worse, could it?

Oliver laid down on the ground curled up behind the tire, out of sight out of mind from the world. With no blanket or cloth the most he could do was curl in on himself for warmth like a cat would do on its own.

Slowly he closed his eyes falling into a restless sleep till the next day.

I've been out of practice with writing, so definitely tell me how interested you are in this book? If you like this chapter or not? Always want opinions!!!

Poor Oliver. A tiny in a giant world is bad enough, but a tiny child in a giant world? That's rough. Don't worry the sun will come out tomorrow. Literally. This story should be interesting. Comment below and don't forget to vote and follow for more.

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