(50)The Search [Adrien's POV]

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I close my eyes, enjoying the chilly breeze as I take a drag from my cigarette. The smoke burns my throat.

I lock out the guys' voices and box aside every thought. I tried to distract myself with Sophia, but it only drained me. It didn't wipe off the image of my previous night's dream.

It was the first time after being that drunk; I saw a dream and remembered it as it happened. I twirl the cig between my fingers. I still remember how Eleanor's soft lips felt against mine, or how she clung to my shirt, giving me the pure sense of euphoria. If in a dream it was that great, can't imagine how the reality would be. Not that I'm supposed to be obsessing over a drunk night's dream. But it was pretty realistic. She didn't even kiss me back. That's pathetic. Even my subconscious knows she dislikes me.

Taking another drag, I fill myself up with smoke before exhaling it. I considered I might have actually kissed her in that intoxicated state, but her behavior today was proof against that.

I hold back my grin as her face pops up in my head when I was teasing her in the evening. If she isn't comfortable sharing her problems, the least I can do is to make her smile, even for a moment. I love her smile.

I open my eyes; the guys are still busy talking and laughing. I shove away Eleanor's thoughts into the farthest corner of my mind and stare with a blank mind, vacant gaze at the enormous expanse of pitch-black ocean.

For how long, I can't identify, but the emptiness in my skull shatters at the sound of a scream.

What is it with girls and screaming?

I shake my head with annoyance as I place the cig on my lip. Before I get the chance to inhale through it, another shriek pierces the quiet night, this time sounding closer, calling my name. Am I going crazy?

I notice the guys have stopped chatting and exchanging glances with one another. So they heard it too.

"Adrien!" someone screeches and I straighten. Not a beat later Arianna's pale face comes into view, her eyes wide, looking frantic. "Eleanor," she cries. Fear grips me. She lifts a trembling hand, "Soph pushed her off the deck."

"What!" Dylan shouts.

For a split second, the world crashes before me, but when I grab a hold of my consciousness, I'm on my feet and pushing my way through everyone. Three at a time I descend the steps, my heartbeat drums in my ears. I survey the water but catch no commotion. I thrust away the fear.

Closely following behind me, Dylan asks, "When? Where?"

"Stop this goddamned thing, tell the captain to stop it," I yell as I sprint to the edge of the deck.

I scan the waters, but it's too dark to spot anything.

Without a second of hesitance I pull my shirt over my head and turn to Ri, "I need lights," I tell her as I take off my shoe.

I step up onto the ledge and dive in.

The fresh water engulfs me. I force my eyes to open, the salt burns them, but I ignore it as I look around for her. I submerge deeper, where the yacht's light barely gives me visibility, yet there's no sign of her.


I thrust myself up, inhaling a sharp breath before diving into the water and swimming towards the opposite direction of the yacht's movement.

Putting my entire strength to my arms and legs, with stroke after stroke, I glide below the surface.

I glance backward, the yacht was moving when Soph pushed her off, she has to be somewhere here.

Acumen: Riddling LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ