Why are you here! (21)

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Mind reading or what I prefer to call it -thanks to JK. Rowling- Legilimency. An art that would have changed the world.

The number of times I've wished to possess this ability is almost embarrassing to even mention, mostly because I had an obsession with trying to find out and understand the chain of thoughts, and the way great scientists -particularly, Einstein, Hawking, and Tesla- think and analyze things in their heads. However, once again I'm wishing I had this capability only to see what on earth was going on inside Theodor's head before showing up here.

I texted him, requested him not to show up. I literally begged him! And now he's here.

I shoot up from my chair, startling Arianna and Dylan. Adrien follows my gaze and at once knows on who my eyes are fixed on and only raises his eyebrows, a corner of his mouth slightly turns upwards.

"Is something wrong?" Arianna slowly asks.

I shake my head, stepping around the table, and walk towards Theodor.

I hope he has a valid explanation for this.

He spots me, a grin forms on his face.

"Eleanor!" He starts as a way of greeting when I get close enough to him.

He opens his arms to hug me, but I take a step back and look at him sternly. His smile falters.

Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I demand, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you," he answers, the ghost of his smile still lingering on his face. "I was expecting a warmer greeting though," he pointedly adds.

I roll my eyes and set on glaring at him. "I told you not to show up."

"And I told you I will. I have to make sure of your well being." He shoots back.

"I don't need you to watch after me," I sternly tell him.

He narrows his eyes, then shifts his weight from one leg to the other. After an interminable pause, he softly speaks, "You're my little sister,"

"I'm an adult!" I snap, pointing my index finger at him.

Although saying it this way makes me feel anything but an adult. I face away from him.

He heaves a sigh, "So where are your newfound friends?" he inquires.

I glance up at him as his eyes wander around the lobby.

"I want to meet them first and then I'll go to our uncle." He states, in a tone that leaves no room for argument.

"What did you want to prove?" I ask exasperatedly.

"We will not talk about it here," he flatly states and walks ahead, forcing me to follow him.

"From the courtroom, I went straight to the airport to get here. But instead of being happy that your brother gives a damn, you treat me this way," he asserts with a hint of annoyance and disappointment.

What did he expect! That I'd be jumping up and down, grateful that he showed up after sending him countless texts pleading him not to come? Or did he expect me to welcome him with a red carpet and give him the award of the best brother of the year?

I face away, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

This isn't fair. This is beyond humiliating. He's embarrassing me.

We approach our table; Adrien, Arianna, and Dylan stand up from their chairs to greet Theo.

After greeting and shaking hands with three of them, Theo peers at Adrien.

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