4. After The Party

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It feels as though I've been glued to the spot. I can't believe anyone would do anything like this! Why would they place a bet on something such as this? Am I truly a loser to that extent? I've never done anything wrong to them.

Is that why Adrien insisted on dropping me off? Is that the following part of their bet? To see how long I'll survive this shithole. Or to stop me from leaving?

This isn't fair! Why me? What have I ever done to deserve this kind of humiliation?

I press my back to the wall, trying to even my ragged breathing, but it's hard with these thoughts and questions swirling in my head. After a few minutes, I manage to calm myself and push my hair behind my ears. With a final deep inhale and sharp exhale, I walk through the archway.

A huge pool table has been placed in the room's corner, two girls- obviously drunk- sprawled over it, half-naked and giggling at something one of the guys have said. Adrien and his four other friends are sitting on brown leather chairs facing those girls.

Busy with laughing, talking and boozing, they don't realize when I walk in. I take in a shaky breath and try to sound as normal as possible as I call out Adrien.

Ed chokes on whatever he's drinking as they all turn around with wide eyes to face me. The only one who doesn't look surprised- or he's exceptionally good at hiding it- is Adrien. Instead, he smiles at me warmly as if minutes ago he wasn't the one talking about winning the bet he put on me.

"Harry, get off the chair, fetch one for yourself. Come, Eleanor, join us," he says with a broad smile all along, not faltering the slightest.

He sure knows how to put up a convincing show, perhaps that's how he landed the title of playboy for himself. I stand straighter as the guy named Harry gets up, glaring at me.

"Actually, I want to leave and my phone is dead. I was hoping maybe you could arrange a car for me," I lie and smile innocently at him. He too stands up, walks around the chairs, and stops at a safe distance, his eyebrows somewhat furrowed.

"You can hang with us, I mean we would like to have you..." he trails off, looking everywhere but my face, before locking gaze with me and adding in an inaudible whisper, "I would like you to stay."

I wish I could slap him or scream in his face. It was obvious something was up when he urged me to come to this hellhole, and now, I know the reason. How unfortunate for him... but I have no idea what to say or do.

I wish I wasn't this way.

With effort, I swallow away my frustration before saying, "I really want to go." My voice is stronger than last time, causing him to sigh.

"Let me get my keys then," he tells me and walks back to the pool table.

"Uh... no wait," I speak loud enough to make him stop and turn around. He studies me with narrowed eyes. "A cab is fine, there is no need for you to drop me off."

"It's midnight, I will drive you myself," he declares.

This time, the words tumble out louder and harsher than I intended. "No, you won't!"

He stares at me, taken aback by my sudden change of tone. I even surprised myself.

Instantly regretting my tone and words, I start fidgeting with my fingers. While chewing my bottom lip I begin, "I-I mean you p-probably want to stay with your friends a-and you've definitely had a few drinks by now and I don't want to be a burden, s-so a cab is fine," I ramble and stutter, my heart racing. All I want is to leave.

"I'm not drunk." He responds with irritation.

Picking up his keys, Adrien steps towards the archway, motioning his hands for me to follow him. I do without a glance back at the room filled by those idiots who I wholeheartedly wish to never see again.

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