3. The Party

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We go towards the house. He opens the door, letting himself in and I follow behind him. Like a lost puppy, how pathetic- Eleanor stop!

The house is already crowded, most of whom I have never seen before. Looks like more than just Electrical engineering students knew about this party.

Faint music plays in the background. The chattering and laughing in the room makes it impossible to distinguish the songs.

The place is enormous with plush sofas and a coffee table full of red plastic cups. In the corner, a gigantic table overflowing with snacks has been placed. Now, I can understand how horribly wrong I've dressed for this goddamn party. Though, I'm a hundred percent sure I will never ever put on those dark tiny little dresses that cover up the body next to nothing, or those shirts that are definitely not serving the purpose of a shirt. But I wish I had worn something darker.

We amble around, each and everyone approach us and greet him with enthusiasm, while glaring at me sideways; it seems, I've made more haters than I ever realized. I try to not think about how painful it is.

Occasionally, he introduces some of them to me and after they leave, he adds a few interesting stories about them, or how they got to know each other.

I wonder how he manages to be so social and just genuinely popular. Being likable and interactive comes so effortlessly to him, without even a second thought.

Adrien, throughout high and even middle school, was the most beloved and favored guy in the entire damn place. I always assumed it was because of his brother, but here, there is no older sibling to make the path easy. It's just who he is.

Sometimes, I envy him.

All the while, as everybody comes and goes, I awkwardly stand next to him. Avoiding eye contact, pushing my glasses up my nose, frequently moving my hair behind my ears. They help with lessening the non-stop anxious fidgeting of my fingers.

It takes almost an hour for him to get over the greetings and reach the kitchen. He pours a drink for himself, then looks at me as if silently asking if I want one, to which I shake my head no.

Every so often, he points out someone and starts speaking in hushed whispers about all the embarrassing stuff they'd done in previous parties, and I almost lose track of time as we both keep on laughing.

After a while, his friends, or maybe best friends- I'm not sure- gather around him and engage him in chatting about topics I have no clue about.

"Hey Eleanor," the one I can't remember its name but I know is Amelia's boyfriend calls out. Taking a sip from his red cup, he fixes his dark blue eyes on me. "How does it feel to be around us? The most popular group on this campus?" He sneers at me as his gaze travels from my head to toe, making me beyond uneasy. I wish he would stop.

I smile through gritted teeth, just for the sake of politeness.

The guy standing next to Adrien, with his one elbow on the counter, smirks at me. Ed - I think his name was - says, "Yeah, how does it feel to finally get your nose out of books? I mean, look around you, did the books do any good?"

The one with black hair and an eagle-like nose snickers. "I bet she read a book 'how to go to a party' or 'how to party' before coming here." And they all start to laugh.

I remember I read somewhere that guys hit maturity a few years after girls their age. Can't say I disagree.

"If Adi hadn't hung around you out of pity, Evans, you probably would've been getting wasted in a corner all by yourself," Ed adds, making everyone chuckle. But this time, Adrien shakes his head, glaring at Ed.

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