The End of Everything - Part 2

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Back in Present Day

They hurried to the front of the building where large entry door was. To their dismay, however, the door was tightly shut, and the keypad next to it was smashed.. "Dammit!" Marie yelled. "The submarine is on the other side."

Marina let go of Callie and went over the keyboard, seeing how bad the damage was. "There's no way this will work now."

Jessica went and tried to pull on the door, but nothing. "We're trapped."

Marie grunted. "Ok. New plan. Back to the lab. We'll have to work with what we have from there."

As they turned around, however, they saw that multiple Stalker Beasts were creeping toward them one of the hallways. They stopped, staring at them in horror. With how strong they were, they were hopelessly outgunned already.

"...Well... It was nice knowing you guys." Callie gulped.

"...Get back to the lab." Dylan said. "I'll hold them off."

"Don't be stupid, Dylan." Jessica replied. "I can do it."

"You have more use to the team than I do. Go. I'll be fine."

"Come on." Marie said hesitantly. Everyone but Dylan quickly ran back to the lab, but they couldn't run too fast because of Callie.

As soon as the Beasts saw them run for it, they began to lunge forward to chase them, but Dylan quickly rolled in front of them, pulling out his Hero Shot. The Beasts then attempted to attack him, but he quickly used all his knowledge on acrobatics to dodge their attacks.

He fired at them with the Hero Shot, but of course, it wasn't doing much. It wasn't doing anything, in fact.

Eventually, they started to catch up with him, as one of them managed to grab him and slam him against the wall. He bounced off, and quickly regained his senses to dodge more attacks. Taking them on all at once wasn't a smart idea.

"Stop!" Marie yelled at the team as she herself stopped and turned around. They could still see Dylan fighting them off from a bit of a distance. "He can't fight them on his own." Marie let go of Callie, pulling out her Hero Charger, but Jessica grabbed her arm.

To Marie's horror, Dylan was finally overpowered. He was slammed into the wall again, and as he bounced off, he landed awkwardly on his stomach, dropping his Hero Shot. With a scream, he was dragged into the oncoming horde of beasts as they piled on top of him.

"FOUR!" Marie screamed, running up. The beasts heard her scream, but chose to ignore it as they were now busy feasting on Dylan, who could be heard screaming in pain. "FOOOOUR!"

"He's gone!" Jessica said, not letting go of her arm.

Dylan could be heard screaming loudly still, as the beasts trampled him like massive ants, slowly dying.

Marie began to cry. There was no saving him, but the least they could do was give him a quicker death than the hell he was experiencing. She pulled out a grenade. "I'm so sorry, Four."

She pulled the pin and threw it as hard as she could, before it landed right in the pile. Dylan's screams were abruptly stopped as the grenade went off and completely demolished that section of the hallway.

"WE HAVE TO GO!" Jessica screamed.

As Marie went back to grab Callie, she remembered when she first met and recruited Dylan to be Agent 4. Just like Jessica, he was just an innocent Inkling who happened to follow her into a storm drain. She remembered how when they first met, Dylan didn't know who the Squid Sisters were. She remembered how just like Jessica, he fearlessly traveled headfirst into the domes of Octo Canyon, rescuing the Great Zapfish and Callie. She remembered everything the two had been through together since the NILS statue.

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