Chapter Ten: Jade's Sleepover

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Pack up to get ready to go to Jade's ==>

You all pack up so you can go to Jade's to spend the night, but you forgot all your stuff. You say it'll be fine and to not worry about you because you're Dave and you can handle it, but you're a little worried too.

Be Dave's bro ==>

You're now Dave's bro, heading over to Jade's house to give him his backpack of all his stuff to spend the night since he forgot it all. You feel bad about being so rude to Dave, and for basically leaving him to fend for himself so often. So you decided to do something at least a little nice for him, you added some of your special snacks in there, your special small sleeping bag that's perfect for Dave, a special surprise gift, and a little note too. You really gotta be easier on the little guy, the world won't treat him that bad. Anyway, you arrive at Jade's house, and just knock on the front door.

Be Dave ==>

You are now Dave, and you hear the knocking on the front door.

Go open the door ==>

You go and open the door oh my god its Bro. You exit the house, closing the door behind you, and have a conversation with him that went a lot like:

Dave: What is it?

Bro: You left your bag at home, doofus.

Dave: Oh, uhm, i didn't notice that. May I have it?

Bro: Sure i don't give a fuck.

Take bag and go back inside ==>

You take the bag from your bro and go back inside. It's heavier than it should (and you know this because you pack the exact same things every Game night), and you decide to check what it is: Your bro's awesome small (but perfect for you) sleeping bag, Cool snacks of your bro's that he gave you, a letter, and a gift of something you don't know what it is. Oh and you know your bro left. Ok time to check

Go to the bathroom to check what the letter says and what's in the present ==>

You go to the bathroom to read the letter and to see what's in the box, but the letter first. This is what the letter said:Hey idiot, you left your bag as you can tell. Don't tell anybody this or really remember this at all, but i love you as my brother, and i kinda feel bad about how terribly i treat you. Only a little though. This doesn't mean i'll really care if you're hurt, or if you need my help or any of that. Just don't get yourself killed. Oh and only open the present when you're about to go to sleep, like right before you get into your sleeping bag. -Bro (of course)(P.S., anything kind I ever do for you, don't tell anybody. Or else you're dead roadkill.)

Wow. He's cool. So cool. You can't believe he did all this for you, he NEVER does nice things for you. Wow. You're extremely curious to see what's inside the gift, so you exit the bathroom with all the stuff packed in your backpack again, and start helping out by setting all the sleeping bags down, and then you all go into separate rooms, and change into your pajamas. Then you get into your sleeping bags (Jade got into bed) and sleep, but right before you do, you open the gift your bro got you, and it's a perfect little plush version of Lil Cal, you hug him(though you despise him with every last cell of your body) and fall asleep.

The End

hey, would you look at that? You reached the end of this story! Congrats, and thank you. Hopefully you enjoyed this story, and the others that i'll be making in the (most likely near) future. Until then, Losers. (yeah i'm gonna call you guys that since people call their viewers things haha)

- Nerd

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