Chapter one: Unneeded Explanation

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It was Friday night, THE night. Game night, and all four kids knew it. Game night was the only time they all didn't have something to do, and never really needed to do anything. Game night is when they brought all of their games together, and went to John's house. They always played every game, and when they finished playing games, they'd usually watch a movie, and they always took turns picking that movie. They also took turns for choosing games, but that's the less fun part. The fun for the movie of Game night is that almost every time they choose a horror movie. And after the movie, and they were all fed, they'd go over to Jade's house with the games Jade, Rose, and Dave had brought, and slept over there. Jade's grandpa was always out late on game night, so they never had to worry about being too loud or being a little too annoying to him.

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