Chapter 12

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I stirred in my sleep and opened my eyes slowly. I saw sunlight coming in behind the curtains and rubbed my eyes to shake the sleep away. Then, I turned around to his side, but the bed was empty. I raised my head to see if he was around and the room seemed too quiet. The shower wasn't running as well and, finally, I saw a note on his pillow. I grabbed the paper to read it.


Don't stress out. I went through the agenda so I know what I have to do today. I hope you can rest for the morning. I didn't want to wake you up. I know you're tired. See you later.



I grabbed my cell on the bedside table and called him.

"Hi sweetie." He answered the call joyfully.

"Since when do I have special treatment on this tour? I should be working..." I told him.

"Don't worry. I have everything under control. Thought you'd like to sleep late today." He told me.

"James... I want to be like everyone else. I don't want it to be different because we're together now." I told him.

"It's ok. Like I said, don't worry about it. The van is outside if you wanna meet us. I told the guy to come back to the hotel when he left me here."

"I'm gonna take a shower and I'm going." I told him.

"See you in a while then."

After the goodbyes, I put the cell back on the bedside table and went for a shower. When finished, I searched in my suitcase for a pair of black jeans and a white strapless top and searched for my black All Star too. While backstage, I just wanted to be as comfortable as possible. I ran a brush through my wet hair and grabbed my purse. Finally, I left the room. I was in a good mood. Being with James was transforming me into another person, a happier one, and I liked my job. As the elevator stopped at the lobby I went out, heading to the street. Then, I saw a familiar tall figure in jeans and white shirt. I shuddered at the sight. My knees failed and my heart began to race franticly. I thought of not stopping and go straight to the van, but he turned around, making my plan a big failure.

"Cleo!" He yelled and came to me. I stayed frozen, like I was glued to the floor. "Cleo..." He said again when he was near me. his green eyes glowing.

"What are you doing here Colton?" I asked him.

"I came looking for you." He said.

"And how did you find me?" Being with Metallica on tour, sure that hasn't been an easy task for him.

"I called every fucking fancy hotel in this town asking for your name." He said.

"You shouldn't be here." I told him again. I didn't want to see him at all.

"We need to talk Cleo..." Colton claimed.

"I can't talk to you." I affirmed.

"Why not?" Colton insisted.

"I need to go to work. You know, I am working. I have a schedule and I am running late. I'm sorry..." With that I turned my back at him but Colton grabbed my hand in his.

The familiar touch made me shudder again, but I pulled my hand away. I shuddered not of lust or love, but because someone would tell James about it.

"Are you with him now Cleo?" Colton asked me. I jerked my hand away.

"That's none of your business." With that I managed to escape and began to walk outside, but Colton followed me.

"You must be." He said, but I ignored his remark and continued walking. "I'm going to the show tonight!" He exclaimed and that was the last thing I heard from him as I closed the door of the van and ordered the driver to leave.

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