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"Mam, I'm sick!" Perrie complained, kicking her legs against the bed in frustration as her mother came into her room. 

"Well what do you want me to do about it?! You're a grown woman, Pez!" replied Debbie. 

"Call Jeed," she said quietly. Debbie nodded knowingly and left the room. Perrie could hear the distant sound of her mam ringing someone- until she must've hung up as the murmur and chit-chat stopped. Her mam then reappeared at the door bearing a water bottle and some tablets. 

"Jade will be here in ten minutes or so. Here are some tablets to take in the meantime. And some water 'coz I know how thirsty you get when you're sick."

"Thanks Mammy." Perrie took the tablets and water and Debbie left. 

'Jadey will be here soon!' thought Perrie excitedly as she took a sip of her water.

*Beep beep*

'She's here!' Perrie thought. And without thinking, she leapt out of bed and ran to the window. Jade's car was parked outside the driveway. Perrie watched as her girlfriend left her car and hurried up the driveway. She had a worried expression on her face as she rang the doorbell. 

She could just about see the door open and faintly hear her mam greeting Jadey.

Then, Perrie's head started to hurt. She probably shouldn't have gotten up so quickly, especially when she was unwell. So she stumbled back to her bed and flopped down onto it, quickly becoming tangled in the heap of fluffy blankets. 

A gentle knock was heard at Perrie's door, soon followed by the turn of the doorknob. Jade appeared as the door opened slightly.

"J'adore!" Perrie exclaimed, her voice raspy.

Jade opened the door fully and came and sat down next to Perrie. "Hello bubs. Are you okay? Debs said you're sick."

"Yeah I woke up with an aching stomach and giant headache!" Perrie said as she rested her head on her girlfriend's chest. Jade wrapped her arms around Perrie's torso and brought her closer- if possible. 

"Aw, poor baby!" she cooed before leaving a soft kiss to Perrie's temple. This made Perrie smile and snuggle further into her girlfriend. "How about we watch a film? It'll take your mind of off your tummy ache! And I can kiss your headache away!"

"Yeah," Perrie replied softly. She said it in her baby voice, which got to Jeed every time. 

She reached for the TV remote and passed it to Perrie, who put on some random disney film. Jadey didn't see which one because she was too busy planting little kisses to Perrie's hair and forehead. But that didn't matter to Jade. As long as Perrie was happy she was.

"I love you J'adore," Perrie said halfway through the movie.

"I love you too Pez," she replied, leaning down and pecking her cheek tenderly.

Not long afterwards, a faint snoring could be heard coming from the younger Geordie. Jade carefully pulled a blanket over the two of them, turned the TV off and joined her girlfriend in sleeping.

Debbie knocked on the door quietly but when she didn't get a reply, she opened it slowly. There she saw her daughter resting peacefully with Jade. She quickly snapped a photo to show the couple when they awoke before leaving them to rest.

A quick little cute Jerrie story for the night! Sorry if there's any mistakes x

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