Chapter 18: Living in a Fiction

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The hospital was one of the best places to watch people display different emotions.

There were those wailing because they lost a loved one; those overexcited because their mole turned out to be noncancerous; those anxious because their prognosis was in limbo.

Then on very rare occasions, there were people like Amy who were pretending to be sick, for either attention or quick money.

The strong detergent smell characteristic of the hospital greeted him at the entrance. It had been years since he got sick; the only time, he did go to the hospital was due to his scheduled hepatitis B vaccination and the subsequent boosters.  He was as healthy as a Stallion always.

With Kennedy providimg the resources, they spared no expenses. Having been brought on board Amy to carry out the next phase of their plans, kennedy, James and Juliet were content with the current outlook.

When he turned in the direction to the medicine depatment, he saw Juliet coming out of the elevator. Joe was left staring at a woman who would have looked beautiful in anything from a ballgown to a towel. Her slim body was encased in a white silk dress, and her deep waves touch her shoulders. 

"Hey Joe", she greeted.
"Heelll.....llooo," he stuttered as he was still enamored by her beauty.

"She is at C2 ward".
"Okay", Joe remarked.

Juliet led him to the place, strutting like a model in front of him- she made sure to sway her hips expertly from side to side. Her supermodel runway walk was distracting and her beauty was confusing the hell out of him that he lost his focus. Usually,  in situations like this, he would be meditating on the word or playing a gospel song, but rather he had to stop his mind from undressing her.

Before they were allowed inside, they were told to wash their hands and given face masks to wear.

"There she is", said Juliet.

Prior to his coming.  James had given her a medication she was allergic to, to provoke symptoms of illness. Soon after gulping it down, Amy, the pawn,  became feverish and nauseous with a crazy face rash all at once. The next step was to stab herself with epinephrine to bring her back to normal when Joe started praying for her. Perfect plan, right?  

With nasal prongs in her nostrils and attached to an oxygen source, two cannulas on the dorsum of both hands- one delivering crystalloids and the other unused, she definitely looked ill. She was also coughing  like a Tb patient and shaking as if she were possessed. Indeed, her acting deserved an oscar- it was so good that Joe was blinded from ever suspecting  any foul play.

"Can I pray for you?" Joe asked. Amy nodded in agreement.
"Dear lord...." he begun.

5 minutes into the prayer, Granny Amy confessed to feeling better and was ready to jump out of the bed to prove so.

"I'm healed!", she shouted.

"Wow, let's give praises to God. Good is good all the time", said Pastor Joe.
"And all the time God is good", responded Amy and Juliet.

In the moment, he was living in a fiction, all alternate dimension of make belief where he was a fool.

About 10 minutes later, they were done and were about saying goodbye. He removed his facemask and greeted the cleaner as he exited the door. But Juliet cornered him before he could zoom away.

"Sorry to bother you, but could you give me a lift home?", Juliet asked.

"Yes, my dear", said Joe.

She hoped in to his car grinning so broadly as phase 2 was in full effect.

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