And with Sirius's wise words, Albus got up and went outside to face his family like his father would with courage and determination.

Present (2021)

"So ze time turner is fixed then?" Fleur asked, squeezing Bill's hand tightly as she was also worried for her niece, nephews, and son-in-law's safety.

"Yes," Draco replied. "But it'll take another week."

"Another week?" said Ginny worriedly. "Isn't there another faster way? Why another week?"

Draco and Hermione gathered everyone the Potters and the Weasleys, including Astoria in the Burrow's living room before they could all have their dinner; it was beginning to become a regular occurence for them.

The two explained in great detail the do's and dont's on how to use the time turner, and how to allow them to go back twenty six years into the past and stay there greater than five minutes.

At first, everyone was relieved that there was finally a solution to bring the others back, but their happiness would fade after a few minutes after Draco announced that it will take another week to bring them back.

"I'm sorry Gin," said Hermione weakly. "But that's the only way." She looked at all of the gloomy faces that surrounded her and couldn't help but etch a gloomy look as well. But nobody seemed to be ecstatic about the good news.

"Um, hello? We fixed the time turner! We're bringing the kids back!" said Draco in a war-like voice.
"But didn't you just say it's going to take another week?" George pointed out.

Hermione gave her brother-in-law a fake, gladsome grin and said. "Right you are George! We'll just go with your idea."

"Really?" said George unbelievably.

Mrs. Weasley raised a brow; her hair was still the common fiery red shade the Weasleys possessed but with streaks of grey. Mr. Weasley's apperance was almost the same as his wife.

Hermione smirked and scanned his eyes.

"Oh that's right you don't have one!" she yelled and scowled at him; George almost fell of his seat, and shuddered.
"Alright, I'm - I'm s-sorry!" George stuttered.

"Guys, I know it's not ideal," said Draco, glancing at his wife. "But this is the only way, you all have to cooperate. Cause if we do, we call bring the kids back."

The Weasleys gave each other murmurs and nods of agreement.

"He's right." said Mr. Weasley.

"Well, that's all for today." Hermione said gladly.

"It's time for dinner then," Mrs. Weasley chortled. "Draco, Astoria, you two better join us. It's getting late."

Draco and Astoria chuckled and went with the flow.

The majority of them got up and went to the kitchen. Angelina hung back with her daughter hoping to catch a word with Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Guys! Can we speak?" she asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" said Ron.

Angelina cleared her throat and said. "I belive Rox has some explaining to do," She pushed Rox forward. "I'll be in the kitchen, call me if you need anything."

Angelina ushered into the kitchen, she gave one last wink at them and left, leaving Harry, Ron, Hermione and Rox alone in the living room.

Rox began to twirl a lock of her curly, chocolate brown hair around her finger, a habit of hers whenever she was feeling guilty. She stared at the floor gulitily, not even letting her eyes meet her aunt and uncles.

"I just want to say," Rox finally uttered. "I'm sorry."

"For what Rox?" Ron asked.

She sighed. "For telling Rachel that Albus accidentally sent us back to the past. But please I swear I didn't know she was going to tell her aunt."

The trio exchanged looks, as they all scoffed.

"Alright, I know she's a bit of a gossiper but I didn't think that she would tell her aunt and that sneek would write that horrible article. It just — snowballed."

"Rox, why would you tell Rachel in the first place?" Harry said in a baffled voice, trying not to release all the anger.

"I couldn't help it!" Rox croaked. "And who wouldn't be excited to tell your friends about it? She's my best friend. But didn't you and Aunt Hermione told Uncle Ron when you time traveled in 1993?"

"That was different." Hermione said coolly.
"It wasn't!" Rox snapped.

This shattered Harry's heart into pieces. She was right. How could she restrain herself from telling her best friend about it? But still, it wasn't a good idea when that friend was a huge gossip, and most especially Rita Skeeter's niece.

"Look, I'm sorry. I really am. Trust me, when I read that article, I felt so guilty and horrible, especially when it mentioned you Aunt Hermione. Don't listen to that foul Skeeter's article, you're the best Minister of Magic the whole Wizarding World has ever seen. I swear I'm going to end my friendship with Rachel." said Rox sincerely.

Hermione grinned at her niece and said. "We forgive you Rox. Right?" She glanced at Ron and Harry.

The two men nodded.

"Right." Ron grinned.

"Rox, come." said Harry.

Harry pulled his niece into a tight embrace. "You're forgiven," he told her. "Go now, you must be hungry. Just don't eat any of the Treacle Tart and Pumpkin Pasties; I heard Lily and Rose worked all day to make their own. And they're not exactly up to the standards of house-elves."

Rox laughed as she gave him a gladsome smile and left the room, followed by Ron who began to yelp like a teenage girl from hunger.

"She meant well Harry." said Hermione.

"She just had a tendency to be a huge gossip." Harry smirked.

"Well, I'm heading to the kitchen as well, I'm as hungry as a hippogriff. I just hope Ronald doesn't gobbled up everything before we get there," Hermione told Harry, who began to laugh. "I'll be needing all of the energy I can get to fix the time turner."

Harry chuckled slighty and headed to the kitchen as well.

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