Panick attack

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"What is toothless chewing on?" Hiccup too a step backward

"Never mind just make sure we have enough water.Its fine this is fine so why am I like this."

The thunder and rain was pouring down hard in the roof.

"We have enough water it's fine we have enough food we are gonna be fine."

Hiccup was alone in his house as Stoick left the 15 year old alone again. Normally he could take care of himself but today was different.

His heart raced and not in a good way.
His head hurt in his temples.
The thunder didn't help the growing conditions of stress on him.

"Survival. just survive ok. Ok it's fine shut up Hiccup.Its cold I need more fire wood this isn't good"

He turned to feed the fire place but his prosthetic leg was refusing to work with him.
Hiccup moved his jaw in circular motions.the clicks of his teeth were Similar  to that of trodding horses. He sat down in the room
He put his face in his hands to grab his skin and mumbled

"Why am I such a dumbass I can't do anything right"
During this toothless alerted him of a knock at the door.

Hiccup composed himself enough to answer.
It was Astrid.she had a basket of bread and a slice of pie for him.

"Hey hiccup sorry for the late visit but my mom thought it would be nice to give you some food considering it's rainy and Stoicks not here and.."

Hiccup blinked back tears as he let her in. She immediately noticed a mess in the house.
"Gods, this is umm.."She looked at him and saw he was breathing heavy,and his eyes had tears streaming down.
"Hiccup are you okay?"

He took a breath "I don't know I was just here feeding the fire and filling the water buckets and my head started hurting and I tried to get everything done before the storm set in and my leg isn't working and..."

Hiccup felt a stomachache that sent him to leaning.
"Astrid I think I've been poisoned it makes sense. Since it's in my stomach it's too late to throw up. Get Goathy I don't know how much longer I have."

Astrid was worried, "What could have gotten you poisoned?"

He lied down on the floor "I ate oatmeal for breakfast and cod for lunch and I ate some chicken three hours ago."

This made no sense to Astrid as she was there earlier when the dragon riders were preparing for the storm in the arena.He was just fine an hour ago.

Hiccups breathing quickened and he started crying softly. He had no time to think of the embarrassment he had by crying in front of Astrid.

Astrid thought more into this. "Hiccup where does your stomach hurt.
He pointed to the middle of his stomach before grabbing his head.

"Stomach aches,head ache,hyperventilating,ohh."

Astrid sat next to hiccup as he put his head in his hands and cried while sitting with his eyes near his knees. "Hiccup your not poisoned" she said in a calming voice. "It's okay your just having a panic attack." She moved her self closer to him.her words has calmed him down a bit but he was still shakedup.

"Hiccup look around and point out 5 things you can see."

With a fast paced brain he said, "I-I see the wood floor and,*sniff* the fire And you and my hands and my shirt."

"Good now let's see if you can count slowly to ten. Let's start 1...2...3"
"4....5.....6...7...8...9...10" calmer now,he was able to catch his breath.

"Hey,what's going on in there?"she said referring to his his head

"I-I don't know I was just putting away the water buckets and then my brain started working faster and faster and I couldn't stop. Next thing I knew I was on the floor crying"

After a bit he was able to breath normally again . He wiped the salty tears off his face and Astrid sat with him.
"I heard what you were saying about yourself."
He looked in her direction with his large green eyes and flushed face. "Huh"

"You called yourself a dumbass because you were crying. Thats not true."

He had no answer
She continued. "Panic attacks are scary you don't know when they show up. Being afraid of them doesn't make you weak it just makes you human."

He took a second but then responded. "The way I cried about it was stupid though"

Astrid held his hand
"I've had a panic attack before and I've cried,does that make me stupid?"

Immediately he replied "No"

"So why would you be" He thought about it.
Yeah that makes sense.I just don't know why this happened."

Thunder cracked and he let out a yelp.
Astrid hugged him from the side.

You are really really strong hiccup today was just a bad day. She lied him down to have his head on her knees.She played with his hair a bit. It's okay your okay I'm okay everyone is okay. He breathed much slower now

"How have I been strong? I'm scared of lightning for Thor's sake."

"Let's see, there was the time you defeated the red death."

"That was luck" he said

"That was bravery."

"Others would have done the same it was just that it was me."

Astrid thought for a minute

"There was the time you were held in a cell and had toothless chained up.But you still stood your ground."

Hiccup remembered that and he'll admit it did make him feel a little better

Astrid traced his chin to his forehead. "There was the time you saved me from the flightmare and Berk."

"But that was your idea"

"But you were the one who helped me after I was frozen."

"I had to I was terrified two."

"Hiccup nobody just says I'm gonna be heroic today,its an have that."

He felt better. "You're right,  I guess I do."

He was calm and collected. His friend was so helpful to him during a dark time.he sat up next to her and smiled. "Let me help you clean up a bit."Astrid said. She stood up and took his hand they slowly put away the objects strewn about the house.

As hiccup tucked in a chair he asked Astrid.
"How did you know how to calm me down so fast."

"Oh,well my uncle fearless fin sometimes had anxiety attacks after the flightmare incident and the whole family helped when ever he got them."
She brushed some of her hair out from her face. "I've had a few myself,sometimes life gets scary."

They finished cleaning and Astrid
Made sure hiccup had things together. The roof was in check and he was safe.

"I should probably head back to my house now I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

Hiccup turned to look at her. "Yeah."
She made her way towards the door but felt hiccup grab her hand.

"Thank you Astrid"
She turned to give him a hug. "Of course Hiccup"
The rain storm continued but hiccup was calm

Here to say if you struggle with anxiety or panic attacks you are not weak for feeling upset. Your brain decides to literally explode and make no sense. You are a badass for being able to go through them at all and if anyone tells you otherwise I WILL kick them.

Got this inspiration after a fun trip to the store where I had an anxiety moment. When ever I get panic attacks I like to go to the store.they don't happen often but when they do oh baby baby.literally they are so annoying -69/10

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