Chapter 7: The Clash of the Titans

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AN: I am sooo incredibly sorry for the late update, I just wasn't in the mood to write. Like always please give constructive criticism and enjoy the chapter. Please forgive me.

I OWN NOTHING, RWBY belongs to Rooster teeth and Monster hunter Belongs to Capcom





"monster talking"

'monster thinking'

Hendriks' POV

As Hendriks and Pyrrha where eying each other up Hendriks decided to speak to her. "I was always curious on how I would fare against an arena fighter. Who knew I would get to test that out so soon?" Hendriks said with a smile on his face.

"Let's make this a battle to remember, wouldn't you agree?" Hendriks asked his opponent in an entertaining voice.

"Taking the words right out of my mouth." Pyrrha answered Hendriks in an entertained tone.

As soon as these words left Pyrrha's mouth Hendriks decided to close the distance in an instance, his blazing hot sword ready for his first strike. When his blade came down on her shield Pyrrha felt the metal slowly melting. This made her push Hendriks back in hope to regain precious ground.

To say Pyrrha was surprised was an understatement. Her shield had been hit before and it always withstood those hits. But now there was a cut in the her shield. "What, you thought the glow of my sword was just for show. Too bad, but this isn't even the hottest it can get!" Hendriks said to Pyrrha who was still stunned that there was cut In her shield. With this Pyrrha realized that an weapon lock with Hendriks' sword would result the opponents ultimate defeat. Only fast and quick blows would work seeing as the contact wouldn't last long enough for Hendrik's sword to melt the object that came in contact with it.

Pyrrha quickly backed off and transformed her sword in to a Rifle. She shot a few rounds to make Hendriks stationary to block said rounds. While Hendriks was stationary Pyrrha pressed the attack. Pyrrha quickly closed the distance with her already transformed sword in one hand and her damaged shield in the other. This happened too fast for Hendriks' eyes to register what happened. Pyrrha got 2 diagonal slashes in before Hendriks recovered from the surprise and tried to stab her shield once again, trying to completely melt it down to just a puddle of useless molten metal. Though it was barely noticeable Pyrrha saw his eyes switching colour for just a second, it went from Bright red to a vibrant blue. What this meant Pyrrha didn't know. She just barely sidestepped Hendriks' trust. Pyrrha tried to smack her shield against Hendriks' face in hope he would get stunned, but alas. Hendriks saw this coming and responded in kind by using his own shield as a weapon but instead of using it as a blunt weapon Hendriks used the sharp underside of the shield. When the shields hit each other a loud bang could be heard from collision. Hendriks' shield was slightly imbedded in the cut in Pyrrha's shield he made earlier.

Hendriks ripped her shield out of her hands with a firm tug. By doing so he threw his own shield away along with Pyrrha's shield. This duel became one of blades only.

"I must say I am impressed, no one ever made me throw away my own shield." Hendriks said in an congratulating tone.

"But you made one mistake, while my defensive capabilities may have decreased with my the loss of my shield, my offensive capabilities have risen. So come on Champion, give me all you got." After he said his blade changed colours. The edges of his blade became White and the inner part became yellow while the centre of the blade became a Bright glowing blue.

The return of Humanity's guardians (MonsterHunter X RWBY)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant