The Dossiers: Kurohomura Hendriks

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AN: The last of the 4, and probably the one you guys have been waiting the most for. So without a due let's get this show on the road.
Name: Kurohomura Hendriks(Preferred to be called "Hendriks" by those who speak to him (Or "Kuro" by close friends))
Gender: Male
Team: HNTR
Race: Faunus, Reptilian(Exact creature unknown)
Country of Origin: Vale
Place of birth: unknown
Eye Colour: Silver(Original) Crimson(Current)
Weapon of choice: Twohanded Longsword
Aura colour: Pitch Black
Semblance: Elemental Awakening
Semblance effect: Based on weapon used, it will gain an elemental affinity without using any dust. Each weapon has a different reaction on the Semblance. Some will have a big effect like getting the ability to melt trough anything, while some may be something insignificant like producing ice cubes.
Teachers notes: Hendriks is the leader of Team HNTR and holds this responsibility on the top of his list of priorities. He is cold and Calculating in everything he does. He calculates every possibility his opponent can take in a battle and learns immensely fast from past mistakes. He seems indifferent about the worth of human live, thinking that only a small portion of the world population is worth saving. This way of thinking is dangerous for a huntsman in training, as they are being educated to safe every possible life, not just the ones they deem worthy. It is unsure if it is possible to shake this believe, seeing as he is quite adamant in the beliefs of the Guardians, and is convinced that only the self-sacrificing part of humanity can be saved. Furthermore, he is quite ruthless when fighting, always using what most would call, cruel tactics. Like breaking his opponent's spirit, leaving only shadows of their former selves in his wake. And just never stopping attacks against his opponents. What's also unique about him, is that he has a black Aura. This was unheard of until now. It's safe to say that Kurohomura Hendriks an individual is who needs to be kept tabs on.

AN: Soooooooooooo. This took waaay to fuckin long to write out. I kept coming up with ideas, but none of them worked good together, so I had to scrap this Dossier over and over again. Not to mention I got kinda bored of writing for a while. I'm also writing a new story at the moment, it's called 'The maw of the Dragon'. Currently I've only uploaded the Prologue and I'm busy with the first chapter, which I hope to release somewhere in the coming few weeks. Once again I'm sorry for taking so long. I hope you all are still enjoying the story. Don't forget to review, they always motivate me to keep on writing. That's all, Have a good day. Vajer out.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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