Chapter 1: the first sign

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AN: so yeah first chapter, tell me what you think of it, what can I do better, what am I doing right, those kinda things. Don't flame and please be civil and enjoy reading this story

I OWN NOTHING, RWBY belongs to Rooster teeth and Monster hunter Belongs to Capcom




"monster talking"

'monster thinking'

3rd POV

Vale was a big city and the capital of the kingdom with the same name. Vale was one of the kingdoms established once the great Creatures left for who knows where. The creatures left more than 1000 years ago never to be seen again, humanity told their tales, a few good, but most of them bad. The creatures where seen as devils who made humanity suffer as they watched how humanity got slaughtered by the evil Creatures of Grimm. The creatures where despised by the majority of humanity. You may think 'what happened to the story the Great Fatalis told to the humans left alive?' They did tell the story, but because a large portion of humanity died that day, the story was full of hate, instead of praise, the few who did tell the story as it was intended to, where exiled, these people where the Faunus. The Faunus where first humans, but they were blessed by the creatures for telling the story as it was meant to be told. This blessing was different for everyone, it began small, the exiled could hear better, smell better, they could even see in the dark, but later those blessings became more visible, some had grown scales, another set of ears and sometimes even a tail. These humans became another race altogether, they were called out by the humans as race traitors. Hundreds of years later the humans began calling them Faunus, after their animal features. This made the Faunus question if they were doing the right thing telling the stories of their guardians and putting them in the spotlight. Years later the Faunus decided to stop telling the stories and instead writing them down in the same books as the humans wrote theirs, they did this so there was a higher percentage for the humans to read the stories of the great Guardian creatures of Remnant.

Ruby Rose was one of those who read the stories where the great guardians where put as heroes instead of villains. Since she was a child she was determined to find one of these creatures hoping they would recognise her as one of those who are worthy to live a life, safe to say is that she wasn't as lucky as she hoped, the best she found was a deer in the forest, what was strange was is that the deer she found had moss on its back, little did she know that she did find a guardian, it was a Kelbi a creature who monitors Remnant for the Great Guardians, these creatures kept an eye on everything and everyone the Great Elders deemed worthy, Ruby Rose was one of those, she just didn't know it yet and it was a good thing she didn't, because when the Great Elders took interest In something then so did the Grimm.

Ruby POV

One day a 15-year-old Ruby Rose was listening to music and reading one of the stories of the Great Guardians, the one that started it all. It was the tale of how the 3 Great elders 'abandoned' humanity. Only seconds later was she antagonized by a man in a suit with and a top head. "put your hands in the air" he said. Ruby looked up questioning if the man was talking to her, so she asked bluntly "are you robing me?" The man got annoyed and threatened to shoot her. Out of nowhere she had a scythe in her hand, the man was quite surprised by it, she quickly unarmed the man and knocked him out in a few rapid attacks. The rest of the robbers quickly took notice of this and decided to intervene, all 3 of them pointing a weapon in her direction. Once again, she took them out in a flurry of rapid attacks, she said one thing against the thugs "you are not worthy". The thugs didn't know what she meant by that, few did. But the leader of the band of thugs knew. He was a white man with ginger hair wearing a white suit and a black bowler hat. The man frowned at her "so you believe in those little stories? Everyone knew those monsters abandoned us just so they could get a laugh. I should just shoot you for thinking those things where right, but that wouldn't be as fun right?" he said menacingly while he took on a fighting pose with his cane in hand. Ruby thought that the can was just an accessory, not a weapon for combat. The fight quickly escalated as they fell through a window. Every time their weapons meet you could see small sparks. The unknown man stated fleeing to the nearest building. She spots him going up a ladder, she quickly took chase to stop him. Once she was on the top, she saw the man boarding a Bullhead. The man took notice that the girl followed her, so he decided to shoot a fire-dust crystal to blow her away, at least that was what meant to happen. Out of nowhere came six scales where shot at high velocity at the man, none of them hit the man, but they did hit the crystal before it could reach its target. Ruby looked up to find where the scales came from, but she found nothing. The next moment a woman came, the woman was blond wearing a white top and a black skirt, she also wore round lensed glasses. The women tried to stop the bullhead from taking of but to no avail, it was already gone. Ruby hoped to get away and do so quickly. She looked once more in the sky to find the creature that shot those scales, she didn't find the creature, but what she did find was a comet leaving a Bright red trail behind, she thought it seemed familiar. After that she tried to get away, but the unknown woman had already grabbed her by the shoulder. She knew she was in for a speech how "taking matters in your own hands is never a good thing". She tried one more thing and that is to grab one of those scales, what was strange was, was that the scales where nowhere to be found.

Ruby didn't know exactly where she was, only that she was in someone's office. The woman who had taken her looked at her with stern eyes, "if it was me, I'd have you punished" she said in a stern voice, Ruby felt a 'but' coming. "but.... there is someone who wants to talk to you" she said in a mildly annoyed voice. The next moment a man entered the office, presumably the owner of said office. The man looked like he was in his late forty's or early fifty's, the man had grey hair and wore a dark green suit. He walked to her; his eyes looked cold yet filled with compassion. He called her name "Ruby Rose.......... you have silver eyes". She immediately knew why he commented on that. Silver eyes are a rare genetic that was gifted to few humans by the Guardians as a promise to remind those around them that the Guardians kept an eye on them, this part of the legend of the Guardian creatures was forgotten by most, Ruby knew this and she wanted to believe that the 3 Great Elders kept an eye on her, but she thought this wasn't true, after all, the Great Guardian Creatures have left Remnant thousands of years ago. She asked a question to the man "how do you know of that legend?" He answered the question with no hesitation "In the legends of old you find the most valuable life lessons." He continued before she could ask another question. "So, where did you learn how to fight like that?" She responded in a heartbeat "Signal Academy sir, my uncle Qrow thought me". The man mumbled to himself "so it was him" After that he asked another question "Why did you learn how to fight with such dangerous weapons?" Once again, she answered with certainty "I want to be a huntress". The man responded to her once again with a question "Why does a little girl like you fight monsters?" Then Ruby looked a bit insulted, she didn't know if the man meant it like that, but there are two kinds of monsters, there are the creatures of Grimm, beings who live to destroy humanity, further there where the Legendary Guardian Creatures, most of the people nowadays call them the real monsters because it's widely believed that it's because of them that the creatures of Grimm still exist, even the Faunus, the race blessed by the Great Elders, are starting to resent them. This is because they were being discriminated against because they had helped the Guardians spread their word of sacrifice being rewarded. The Faunus felt like they had sacrificed their humanity to gain superiority against those who abandoned the Guardian Creatures. The ones who are proud of helping the Guardians have gone in self-exile to prevent further discrimination, after all, there are no laws outside the kingdoms.

Ruby decided to answer " I'm not here to fight monsters, I'm here to fight Grimm" She said it with pride, she knew most of the people who she met would look strange at her if she said that, that is because it didn't matter to them if huntsmen killed Guardians or Grimm, to them it was all the same, but not to Ruby. She found that Grimm and Guardians are vastly different. This surprised the man, most hunters in training say they'll kill any monster no matter what, even if the guardians have disappeared, if they return, they'll kill then, at least that is what they say. The man asked ones more a question "do you know who I am?" Once again she answered in a heartbeat "your professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon" The now named Ozpin smiled, "you are right, miss Rose I have an offer for you, seeing as you are such a prodigy I ask you if you'll join my school" Ruby was overjoyed when she heard that, and accepted like any normal person would "YES PLEASE" By jumping on the table in front of her. Ozpin smiled and says, "I'm glad to hear that, you may leave." Ruby did as he said and left the room like a hyperactive hamster, she had a lot of packing to do.

After she left Ozpin faced the woman with a serious face, he put his hand inside his pocket and showed what's inside it, it where the Scales that saved Ruby's life. "this is a big problem Glynda." The now named Glynda looked at him confused as all hell so she decided to ask a question with obvious suspicion in her voice "what are those scales exactly?" Ozpin gave a vague answer "they can be a blessing or a curse, and my dear Glynda, I fear it will be the latter." He walked to the window and looked in the nights sky, what he saw only solidified his answer. He walked away for the window preparing for something inevitable. What he saw was a comet leaving a bright red trail.

AN: I think you guys may have noticed that I decided to make Ruby look a lot more mature, I did this because I Designed the stories of the Guardians to be more for adults, the reason Ruby took interest in these stories was because she was fascinated by all those fairy tales about heroes, so I decided that I make the Guardians look like the bad guys and make Ruby a lot more mature because she has been mocked because she believed the Guardians to be heroes like the stories that where told about the original Faunus instead of villains like the larger part of Humanity thinks. Do you think you know the Guardians that I teased, if you think you know PM me, get it right and I'll give you a shout out next chapter. So, what do you all think of this chapter, too much, too little, just right? Please give me constructive criticism so I can improve my writing. Vajer signing off. 

The return of Humanity's guardians (MonsterHunter X RWBY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora