Sharpies, Fights, And Another Badass?.. I Dont Think So. [MASS POST!]

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Gwen's Schedule

1st hour. Homeroom. (W/Jay)

2. Pre Calc (W/Abbey and Vladimir)

3. GYM! (W/Serenity)

4. Lunch/ British Lit. (w/ Jay, Abbey, and Vlad)

5.Chemical Science (w/ NOBODY! I has to make friends... :( )

6. American History II (w/ Serenity)

7. Return to homeroom.

Easy enough schedule right? WRONG. Alright, this was just filler, on with the story~~

I approach my locker, coming after lunch, only to find it spray painted neon pink with silver letters spelling out "Little Bitch" and "Whores need pimps" and many other things.

"AURGH!" I yell out, slamming my fist into my locker. "WHO DID THIS!?" I yell at the crowd that is now forming. "WHO!?"

By now, Jay, Abbey, Serenity, and Vlad have heard me from the cafe. They all come running.

"Gwen! Chill." Serenity, comes next to me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Gwennie, honey, deep breaths. Chill. Really, we'll handle this." Jay says, but I really dont hear him. I'm staring at the floor, as it all blends into grey....

Chad's POV

I chuckle and smirk as the little princess goes into a panic attack for what Zander and I did to her locker. It was classic.

Let's just hope he doesnt know it was us.

Crap, she's looking at me. Act normal.

Gawd, she's hot when she's mad.

Chad! Goddamnit. Do NOT think that about your enemy.

But she's hot, for an enemy.

Shit. She knows it us. She's talking to her cronies.

"Fuck dudes! Run!" I say to Zander, Spence, Jess and Jakeman.

They all look over my shoulder, and see her glaring at us.

We all dart to our next classes.

Before I step into British Lit, I hear her scream


Ha, dont make me laugh honey.

-Next Chapter-

wen's POV

"I WILL GET YOU ZELLER!" I scream, as I am hauled to the nurses office by Serenity and Abbey.

"Guys, really? I was only out for like 3 seconds. Seriously. I'm fine." I say, trying to get away from them

"Oh no, you were out. There was no stopping you. People must know what pain you've been through to know what happens to you when stuff like this happens" Abbey says, opening the door to the office. "She needs to see the nurse. She just had a panic attack. Some delinquent spray painted her locker and theres some chiz on there that shouldn't be."

"Oh my, go in and lay down dearie." Says the receptionist, Mrs. Ativa. Shes been here since my dad went here. Abbey and Serenity shove me in the room.

"We'll come get you after 7th period. If you leave this room so help me Gwendlyn I will rip your larynx out. Got it?" Abbey says, meaning every word.

"Alright Mom." I say, laying down. I stare up at the ceiling as I hear them leave. A few minutes later, I hear the door open. I dont bother looking to see who it is.

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