Sharpies, Fights, And Another Badass..?.. I Dont Think So [11]

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Gwen's POV

"Fine, let the torture begin." Serenity smirks going to her makeup drawer.

"Wait, what? What are you getting from over there?" Spencer asks, getting totally freaked out.

"Isnt this just ace?" Serenity asks me, I just nod. Still trying to catch up with her British slang.

"Any way there is a sitution that doesnt involve makeup on my face?" Spencer asks.

"Not bloody likely." Serenity shots back. "Well Gwen, what should we put on his, er, lovely face?"

"Oh, I dunno. The ususal? Start with the hard stuff first, like his eyes."

Spencer's eyes get the size of dishes.

"You know love, with eyes that size, it will only be harder." Serenity says, pulling out her makeup kit. Vlad and Jay are chuckling in the doorway.

"Out, out." I shoo them away and close the door.

Serenity's POV

"Start with the eyes then?" I ask Gwen. Picking up my Colorful Artist Palette.

"Yup, you should do a smokey eye. It'll look good on him." she declares.

I approach him and he starts to squirm. "If you don't hold still I am going to end up stabbing you in the eye. Especially if we are doing the eyeliner... and that stings. So hold still, or I'll sit on you, it can be done." I say with a smile and lean toward him.

"You slag! Just let me go!" Spencer says.

"Awww, I was hoping this would be a start of a new friendship... too bad... I was considering letting you go, but not after that rude comment." I look at him, " Y'know, this is a very inconvenient spot to put on makeup. Gwen, help me move him to my desk chair."

"Gladly." She says,grabbing the key from me and un-cuffing Spencer. He has him by the arm as her and I move him to the chair. She cuffs him once again.

"Time to get PRETTY!" I chuckle evilly.

"Now, how did you get this address?" Gwen asks, sitting on him. I get ready to put some eyeshadow on him.

"I'm...not...telling." He says, under her weight.

"First eye!" I declare with glee.

"If you answer a question right, the makeup comes off. By the way, what size dress do you wear?" Gwen says, chuckling slightly.

"Uh. 5. Why?" He asks.

"Just wondering. Next question." She pauses. "No, answer the first one!"

"Never!" He yells. I put on more makeup and finish the one eye, and start the other.

"Okay Nark. Keep not answering the questions, and you will be so pretty." I say.

"Answer the question!" Gwen yells.

"Got it from Nate. At Underground." Spencer finally cracks.

"Serenity, makeup remover. Take a little of one eye."

"AWWWW! Do we have too?!"

"Yes!" Spencer yells.

"Oh put a sock in it." Gwen mutters, getting settled with sitting on his lap. "Next question."

~*~*~*~*~*~Time Skip~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Gwen's POV

Now after Spencer got a makeover, we took his clothes and forced him into a dress. Then hid his car keys that conveniently were in his pants.

"Guys, this is pants! Where are my car keys!" Spencer yells, while Vlad, Serenity, Jay, and I are just sitting in the living room.

"I dunno! Why are you asking me!" I yell back, he just groans and continues to look for his keys.

"Ugh. I give up! Gimme my keys, I'll tell you anything." Spencer says, coming into the living room.

"Anything?" Serenity perks up.

"Anything." He sighs. "Keys, first."

"Oh, alright." Serenity says, holding out her hand in front of me. I take his keys out of my.. extra pocket... Aka, my bra.

"So THATS why I couldnt find them!" He says. Serenity throws his keys at him.

"Alright, why were you here?" Jay asks, totally not letting Serenity say anything.

"I was here cuz... I had to... Kale wants to fight you, Gwen. As to get back at your for Courtney. I was a messenger. Can I go now?" He asks.

"Go." I say, then close my eyes. "This will be interesting."

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