Sharpies, Fights, and Anothing Badass?.. I Dont Think So [5]

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Jay's POV.

Why do I have to be in love with my half-sister?

Why. Why does this stuff only happen to me?

I mean, come on! This isnt far.

Gwen says something, I dont hear here. To caught up in how pretty she looks when she's tense.

We are getting ready to go out to Underground (The fighting place). She just has to make herself look... Not like herself. We dont need that dumbass Marcus knowing that we are Ceaiso's. He's still looking for a reason to get us kicked out of the fighting scene.

Who wouldnt though?

Gwen says something again, still not listening. I still see her lips move.

Oh, she must've said something I had to respond to, I'm getting blankly stared at.

"Oh, what?" I ask, smiling innocently.

"Nothing. I was just testing to see if you were listening."

"Oh, thanks." I hear the faint steps of Annibel- er, Mom, coming up the stairs. Gwen goes back to fiddling with the music

"Something wicked walks this way" I mutter, as Annibel opens the door.

"Gwendlyn, are you coming with us to dinner? Alexander is taking me and Angeline out."

"No, mom. I told you. I dont like going to eat at a place that harvests animals." Gwen says. I still dont understand her sometimes.

"Fine, whatever. We'll be back later. Angeline will be with Bryce."

"Bryce? Whos Bryce?" I ask. I'm pretty sure that the dudes name was Ryan.

"New babysitter. Angel didnt like Ryan that much." Gwen says, turning to me.

"Oh, okay." I say, then turning to Annibel. "Dont worry, I'll watch Gwen." I smile, and so does she.

"Goodnight Jason and Gwendlyn. Stay out of trouble." She says, blowing a kiss then closing the door.

"So, ready to go, my partner in crime?"


Gwen's POV

I smile and open the car door. Or, should I say, someone else opens the car door.


"Hey beautiful. I have seats waiting for you, and Rex." He says, kissing my hand and closing the door.

"Alright, sounds like a blast. Take us to our seats, Nate." Jay says, clearly irritated with Nate.

"Jealous much?" I whisper to him as Nate leads us to our seats.

"Always and never." He whispers back, stealing a kiss on my neck.

"Rexie, not right now.." I mutter, pushing him away.

"Charlotte, your seats" Nate says, pointing to two seats, right in the center of the front row. Everyone has stopped to look at us.

Go figure.


Climbing back into the car, after the fight, my phone goes off.

"Mom, mom, mom, mom, mommie, mommie, mommie, mommie, ma, ma, ma, ma, mom, mom, mom, mom, mommie, mommie, mommie, mommie- WHAT?! hi." My phone says.

"Yes mom?" I answer it.

"G-GGwenn?" She says, sounding as if she's been crying.

"What happened mom." I demand. She never cries. I put the phone on speaker as Jay drives a rad bit faster then the speed limit.

"Angeline... She's... My sweet Angeline..." She says, hiccuping between each word.

"Mom! What happened to Angel!" I yell.

"ANGELINE'S DEAD!" She sobs.

I drop the phone.

Sharpies, Fights, And Another Badass?.. I Dont Think SoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora