Sharpies, Fights, and Another Badass?.. I Dont Think So. [9]

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Gwen's POV

Ah, Serenity's and Vlad's apartment. The police suggested that we, being me and Jay, stay someplace other then the hotel. My mother as went to a different state altogether.

"So. Whats it like being a murderer..?" Serenity asks, watching me as I basically move into her closet.

"Serenity, shut up. I'm not a-" Im cut off by Vlad,

"FINLIEGH! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" He yells, I hear Jay chuckling.

"Aw, come here Finnigen, meanie Vlad doesnt want you." I say, sticking my hand out the door. The little albino ferret scurries over to me.

"I dont see how he likes you, mate. You call him by the wrong name." Serenity says, picking Finliegh up and closing the door.

"So.?" I say, walking over to her HUGE surround system. It's bigger than mine. I flip on "Breaking" by Anberlin and grab my guitar,

"I really worry about you sometimes."

"You make breaking hearts look so easy;

You've got breaking up all but down;

You make breaking hearts look so easy;

Seems like you've done this before;

You've got breaking hearts all but down;

You've done this, you've done this before."

I sing along, for this is a good song. After it stops, there's a slam of a door.

I open Serenity's and see a kid in all black being chased by Jay and Vlad.

"Serenity! Put Finliegh down. And follow me." I say, sprinting after Vlad.

I dont know what this is about, but I'm sure I will find out.



Sorry these are so tiny, I just need some filler right now!

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