Sharpies, Fights, And Another Badass?.. I Dont Think So [13]

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Gwen's POV.

As soon as I hear the tires scream down the driveway I'm already off the couch. I grab my wallet and iPod, and head out the back door.

20 minutes later, I find myself outside a local gas station. The guy behind the counter sizes me up.

"What can I get you, missy?" He asks.

"Marblo Red. Menthol." I pull out a ten from my wallet, along with my id. Im super short for my age of 17.

My cell goes off. It's an alarm.

"Happy Laffy Taffy Birthday Gwyneth!" My phone says.

Shit. Today is my birthday.

No, it cant be today. I check the calender. Friday, April 13th.

Today is my birthday.

So, correction. I'm super short for my age of 18.

While the dude gets my cigarettes, I head in the back and grab a nice tall cappucino. White chocolate, to be exact.

I pay for my coffee and cigarettes and take a walk down the street. I turn on my iPod and find the song, Coffe and Cigarettes, by Nevershoutnever.

I light the cigarette and head down a famillar street. It's the road the hotel is on. I go up into our pent house and grab the one thing I left a couple weeks ago. My guitar.

I sit, in my bathroom. Coffee on the counter, cigarette in mouth, and I just play. Play until I hear my phone scream "The Last Three Letters" by Alesana. I tap out my cigarette, put down my guitar and answer the phone.

"Where in god's name do you think you are?!" I hear my Jason scream at me. All Time Low is playing in the backround, he's in his car.

"Home. I missed my guitar." I smile, even tho I know he cant see it.

"I'll be there in five baby. Do nothing stupid." He says sweetly, then hangs up.

I quickly realize the whole room smells of cigarettes. Jay hates it when I smoke. I open the window and spray everything with my perfume.

"Ah, smells like home." Jay says, walking in.

I grab my guitar and hide my cigarettes the bathroom. I walk out. "I know, thats why I came back." I walk over to my bed and place my guitar in it's case, thats just chilling on it.

I turn around to a Jay in my face.

"Never run away again." He says, kissing me roughly.

I move my guitarcase off my bed and drag him down with me. I kiss him back. "If you dont first.." I trail off, laying my head on his chest."Can we stay here tonight?"

He sighs. "If you want to, then its alright." He kisses the top of my head and I close my eyes, letting the day's sorrow chill me to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2011 ⏰

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