Chapter 6 - Flowers

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Alex woke up with a terrible headache and about 500 needles poking his head. Metaphorically, of course.
"Are you awake?" he heard a female voice say, and turned around in bed to see Sally holding a glass of some red liquid and a tray of food. "I'm giving you Thomas's usual hangover cure, although I did dial back on some things."
"Thank you so much," he said, very grateful for her presence instead of Jefferson's, who would just laugh at him and let him suffer. Speaking of, he was the reason behind him being drunk in the first place.

"When I find him, I will kill him with my bare hands," he vowed, shuffling out of the covers. 
"Easy there, tiger," Sally replied, laughing. "No killing in Monticello, I'm not letting any blood get on the covers."
"His penthouse suite it is then," Alex grinned, and took the glass in his hand. He took a big swig from the glass and immediately gagged at the taste of it. It burned down his throat and his oesophagus immediately rejected this liquid, but he forced it down.
"God, Sally, what'd you put in this?" He asked, wiping his mouth. 
"Hot sauce, Coke, milk, and a raw egg yolk," Sally rattled off. "And no, I didn't add the chilli flakes in case you couldn't handle the spice."
"You think the spice is the problem? I'm from the Carribean, Sally, the raw egg yolk is the problem here."
"Thomas never mentioned that."
"So he's mentioned me?"
"All of his weekends in Monticello consist of him rambling about you and pining over James not moving in with him."
Alex smiled. "James Madison?"
"Yes," Sally replied, sitting on the couch after setting down the tray on his nightstand table. "He really wants him to move in, but James keeps getting sick. Or at least that's what he tells Thomas."
"Jefferson's in love with Madison. Should've seen it coming."
"Thomas isn't in love with James."
"Sure, Sally. He asks him to move in with him."
"James has a girlfriend - Dolley."
"Doesn't mean Jeffboi here can't be pining over him."

Sally huffed. "Trust me when I say he isn't in love with James."
"Alright, Sally," Alex said, giving in. "I'll take your word for it. Where is the devil, by the way?"
"Thomas is downstairs in the garden."
"Which one?"
"His personal one.  He hasn't shown you yet? He usually jumps at that chance when other people are over, especially Washington."
An idea formed in Alex's brain. "Let me add something to my list."

Soon, Alex had showered and put on the clothes he least cared about, and sauntered down the stairs in the direction Sally had pointed him to. He saw a figure out of a window and scampered to the nearest door and walked up to Jefferson, tapping him on his shoulder. 

"Fuck!" Jefferson screamed, and turned around. A scowl formed on his face. 
"Oh, look who it is," he sneered. "The little annoying man who will not leave me alone."
"I have four things on my list today," Alex said. "One of them may be new."
Jefferson groaned. "Does it happen to be gardening?"
Alex nodded and took up the shovel. "What do you want me to dig?"
"Your grave, Hamilton."

Alex snickered and Jefferson handed him the hoe, muttering, "This is what I was afraid of."
"Look!" Alex said, pointing the hoe at Jefferson. "A hoe!"
"At what end?" Jefferson snapped back, a slight smile on his face. 
"That was mean."
"And you calling me a hoe wasn't?"
"You expect me to believe that those trips to France were just you doing business?"
"And how is that any of your business?"
"I'm your houseguest, Jefferson, I can ask all I want."
"I didn't ask for a journalist as my houseguest."
"But you're stuck  with one," Alex grinned, scratching the earth with the hoe. "So, Mr Jefferson, the world wants to know - what is your dating life?"
"Dead, Hamilton. My wife passed away two years ago."

Oh fuck. Alex couldn't say anything more. All he mustered is, "I'm sorry."
Jefferson snickered. "You fell for it that easily?" He asked, tossing his curls back. "We got divorced."
Alex hit him in the thigh with the stem of the hoe. "What the fuck, Jefferson?!"
"Get back to work."

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